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Everything posted by whippetmike

  1. have my whippets done in the first 48 hours horses for courses everyone have good and bad things to say on this topic
  2. i use my whippets ferreting with no nets it's great sport your dog will soon pick up mike
  3. to be honest nets cus havn't been over there for a while so had to get a big bag for the farmer but the terrier court three and the whippet on the left court two and her half sister (beddy|whippet) had one.
  4. thanks weather was good here seen four red one's today too had no westie with me lol
  5. where's the westie mike???? westie dont work rabbit howz your day been did you go crudgington?
  6. westie dont work rabbit howz your day been did you go crudgington?
  7. one in a million some one lettin a good dog go you not interested in gettin a pup
  8. cheers greengrass 19 1/2 ats buzz's ever time we're out
  9. sorry about griff that looks a promiser good luck
  10. good nigth lads hope i didn't affend anyone more pic's soon lol good huntin lads take care
  11. only jokin i do have her clipped in the summer tho
  12. just sent my missis up asda to get some clippers lol none taken
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