hi all in berkshire we make ferret boxes larsens rabbit drop boxes seesaws pigeon traps pm for details will get pics and prices at the weekend.
edited to say will post
in the past i have used wires dogs and guns and they are all effective methods but i must say people tend to go over board (me sometimes included) with the guns but you could wipe out the whole fox population with any one of those methods.
I wont. theres too many foxes around for the rabbit population ever to explode that much.
to be honest mate foxes dont really kill too many conies they are not that easy for them to catch.
i didnt go to prison and i dont think its violance so im ok i think
`You dont think ` surley you would know what it was
ok it was verbal abuse harrassent and criminal damage do you think thats vilionce ?
read his post mate pm and he will talk more about it good luck skycat if the breeding comes off hope you get pups sorted to good working homes . ..john
umm scycats a her . . . .
its not a freeking half hitch you knot nazis its a clove hitch and calling it a half hitch confuses people and people lose rabbits.
feck me calm down everyone is entitled to there own opinion