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ferret boy charlie

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Everything posted by ferret boy charlie

  1. we were talking about a fox kill we killed before the ban and this lass standing next to us burst out crying so......as you must hoyed a fox brush at the backward begger....couldnt help myself...shut her up anyway and she said it felt nice The KINKY cow lol you should have seen it she goes "you killed a fox" and burst out in tears.....was the strangest thing i have seen the only time my little brother cries about animals is when we see a live pheasant in the car and we dont run it over lol
  2. yeah i no mate i want to be my own boss ill do any pest like insects\mice\rat\anything else lol
  3. was in that situation now there encouraging me lol just keep the dead stuff out the way and they will soon get used to you
  4. i thought you was getting a ferret finder what youthink the 500 pound is for did you ever get your ferrets back alan ?
  5. i got a little camcorder £200 a lurcher pup some rigger boots
  6. go for it ,i could think of easier ways to make a living, do a good job and your reputation will grow as will your income do 1 bad job and thats the one they will talk about,plenty of work out there for the right people, nothing for the wrong ,good luck cheers mate im not the one for an easy life lol
  7. yes mate i dont see it as a profit thats why im asking this qestion so mmaybe it will be my job when im older aye i personally dont think its really possible with all the food,vets bills and basic up keep of your dogs or whatever well there are plenty of pesties about mate simon whitehead rolfe. ect.ect
  8. yes mate i dont see it as a profit thats why im asking this qestion so mmaybe it will be my job when im older
  9. hi all just wanted to ask how did you pro pesties make a living out of pest control was it very hard at first did you have to gain a good reputation i hav just started getting paid for ferreting jobs (£5 a brace ) when im older do you think i could make a living out of it ?
  10. i smacked my lurcher for chasing sheep once never trusted me like he used to again i its gonna take alot of work for me to getr that level of trust back
  11. well the ferret was seen on the side of the road this morning dead so im a very annoyed but atleast it didnt starve to death
  12. hunting any animal ecxept rabbits and rats with any amount of dogs is illegal read the rules at the top mate
  13. got chased by 2 badgers once another time my dog jumped out the truck window cought the rabbit chased another one then ran straght into a canal
  14. He's pushing me to be honest, I'd be waking with a hangover on boxing day but no, rabbits are on the agenda! Merry xmas charlie! merry xmas to you too
  15. nice one brimmer keep at em stop pushing your old man
  16. hi all could any one tell me the cheapest place to get a 4z 50 yard quickset longnet ? cheers
  17. nice dogs mate like the one in the bottom pic
  18. just wanting to wish you all a merry merry christmas and a happy new year many
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