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ferret boy charlie

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Everything posted by ferret boy charlie

  1. depends how much shooting you do id rather have the two guns coz you go beating you allways gonna have abit of money but its up to you
  2. its a bitsa lurcher collie\bull\grey\saluki\whippet\grey\bull\deerhound
  3. ok cheers does anyone have any tips forr training a longnetting dog ?
  4. Does your dog work with ferrets off the lead? yeah Ideal. what do you mean mate ?
  5. Does your dog work with ferrets off the lead? yes all of them do even the terriers
  6. looked it up and it means using other methods then pesticides
  7. hi all could anyone give me any tips\info on how to train a longnetting dog .cheers
  8. that hare was a leveret and it was summer there too
  9. ok mate cheers i suppose ill need to learn about poising\gassing too ?
  10. chrisjones you have made me really inspired im gonna ferret\trap\shoot\snare every single minute of spare time im gonna learn about pesticides and different insects and im gonna really work on mole\rat\rabbit trapping and im also gonna start practising all methods so by the time im oldenugh im gonna be well setup ......hopefully
  11. ive seen 3 this year 2 of them when mooching with the dogs the other when i was beating im sure theres more though
  12. hi all as above how would you rate this gun cheers
  13. LOL, so it's ok for you to ask folk to take you out but if someone wants on your land we need to give you something in return? no thats why i offerd people my permission IF they took me out Just yanking your chain mate, hope you have a good night out with WH ok mate cheers
  14. LOL, so it's ok for you to ask folk to take you out but if someone wants on your land we need to give you something in return? no thats why i offerd people my permission IF they took me out
  15. have you offerd to take me out ? no. has world.hunters offerd? yes. so he ggets to lamp\ferret my permission p.s what you ask for you dont get
  16. cheers mate forgot to add i also have some permission\spots that i will show ya that have loads of rabbits on cheers This maybe sound a bit cheeky but any chance of letting me on your permission? er...no
  17. 4z all the way for me cheaper lighter catches rabbits better in my opionion
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