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ferret boy charlie

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Everything posted by ferret boy charlie

  1. yeah rabbit hunter i find that they like to head for a strip of trees for some reason the best place that we do has got one strip of trees opposite the woodland one time the deer got a bout ten yards away before the dog was slipped get the heart pumping just watching and waiting
  2. ok didnt see the point of that but hayho ........... anyone else ?
  3. nice one lets just hope it was the fox that coused all the troble
  4. nice one mate is that a bullx in the background ?
  5. its not illigal lads otherwise we wouldnt be aloud to go ferreting ..... also i have reptiles and some of them will only eat live food but dont let the ferrets kill it do it yourself .......
  6. have a look for fox earths mate if not leave some smelly dead game about if your looking for foxes ..........
  7. hares are very common here mate in one day i saw 12 four of them in one feild
  8. didnt i just say im doing that ? her reitriving is nearly like a ftc she will reitrive pigeon\pheasant her recall is quite good she has cought a rabbit by ferreting i dont teach my dogfs hard jumping til there atleast a year old but the do little jumps over logs and stuff im going out lamping with world.hunters when his dog has recoverd im not gonna let her run on the lamp till she is a year old and genaral allround work when she iss two
  9. DO RECKON YOU WOULD HAVE A GOOD DAY IF YOU DIDNT HAVE DRESSED LIKE BUSHES how would you know what a good day is i never hear about your outings ...........
  10. i agree The thing is, you two DIDN'T enter the competition, and obviously don't know the rules , so even though you are welcome to your oppinion; it means nothing as far as the comp goes !! If the Olympic 100 meter final has a runner pull out thru' injury; does the runner he beat in the semi get asked to run in the final????? Of course not ! Cheers. thats all it was mate my OPINION that woodga should run markbrick cant wait for the comp next year
  11. not worth it to be honest ....... not when you can get legitamatley what would you rather have think your a little hard nut and get your dogs shot or wait a lil while and get it legit ........ i used to think hat i should poach and not bother about permission that was until i got some the landowner said he would stick up for me if i was chasing the big stuff .....if your mates 3 dogs got shot then you should now better than some of us ferret feller .....
  12. why nnot with there bellies in ? my dogs eat everything apart from the shit sacx \ stomach Sometimes they have them with the guts in but we find it can make them sick. Also we always gut them in the feild to bring mr fox in
  13. he just said he got 28 anyway keep at ewm
  14. why nnot with there bellies in ? my dogs eat everything apart from the shit sacx \ stomach
  15. yeah but some of us dont have paypal
  16. i think the ones your talking about mate are the ones that have been fritend so there sent glands explode
  17. just wondering pre ban did many of you lads beat out woodland for deer i did usually for munties just wondering if it was common before the ban
  18. sorry to hear that mate hope he quickly recovers was that on the night i was comming with you ?
  19. 6 months old take it from one who knows it will get better if you dont hold it back but start it working with a older dog and let it loose with the older dog if you can .the sooner the better. a pup should have nothing but training for the 1st year ,, let it grow , find its feet and its bearings in the real world ie fences all types barbed and electric , gates , loud noises ect If you rush it you have more chances of ruining it !! yes mate she is in training but she does come ferreting nand she has had her first rabbit a
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