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ferret boy charlie

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Everything posted by ferret boy charlie

  1. hi all as you know i will be getting a bird in a couple of years time just wondering what does moult and imprint mean ?
  2. my first lurcher collie\grey\beddie\whippet i only run him on bambi now
  3. them two and another one dont know what its called
  4. hi all just wondering does anyone else think greyhound racings on its way out ? the tracks bye me are closing anyone else ?
  5. i would but im only 14 ....... Which is blatantly obvious from your posts. point is ?????
  6. ill tell you what if he apoligises ill see if i can get him on here so he can tell you the storie ?
  7. You started of your post so well by asking a decent question then you showed your true colours, no wonder the keeper wants to break every bone in your body. what so if someone was hassling you every time you wqent to permission\walked past a shop you wouldnt get fed up ? if youve got dogs woulds you tolorate anyone threatning to shoot them ? if i had actually been poaching then i would have taken it on the chin btw way his wife apoliugized to me today saying they have seen the person who was diturbing the birds they are on cctv so there will be no need to kill any of his birds aslong as
  8. only shovel shy people do that dont they brimm
  9. another tip dont carry your ferrets around in a bag get a box thanks for pinning this thread srubby
  10. thats the thing see mate i havent poached nothing at all coz im good mates with one of the labours bt if he is threatning me where do i stand all this coz i didnt go beating for him ........ p.s edited to say if i had poached then i would take the rap not complain on here infact id think i got off quite luckily he is onnly threatening
  11. yeah we will have to ave a night time jaunt up there plenty of deer and hares
  12. he looks lovley sounds like he is doing the job aswell
  13. look on my post shooting dogs theres some info on there ......
  14. lol she keeps asking who are all the lads with guns\ferrets\dogs round here are too lol i might go do a bit of roost shooting tonight ....
  15. next time im gonna phone the police he said to me once next time i see you im going to break every bone in your body i just said yeah and it will be your birds getting shot tonoght
  16. hi all i was just wondering could a keeper shoot my dogs if they were on a lead away from any livestock ? its just that everytime i wlk to my permission i have to cross a footpath and every time the gamekeeper has a go at me saying he has seen me come out of this wood with a brace of pheasant basicly a prick all becouse i didnt go beating for him coz he is a tosser his wife owns a shop up the road and she is allways sayng watch out XXXX is going to shoot your dogs next time he see you :wankerzo4: so could he leggally shoot m y dogs if they were on the lead on a footpath ?
  17. depends what your fter mate terriewr or springer i prefer terriers myself but its totally upto you
  18. cheers for that mate me and a mate are going to make 20+ and set them on a railway bank
  19. nice one mate fair play for having an opionon
  20. stubby could you maybe pin this thread so all ferreters can quickly find it if they need too ?
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