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ferret boy charlie

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Everything posted by ferret boy charlie

  1. hi al just wondering if any one could put some pics up of merles please
  2. ok mate just get some practice in first p.s if your annoyed about one snare bieng tamperd with wait till your moterbike messed with
  3. do you even have ferrets ? i am getting them this summer it was a question to ask if it would work not to start an argument read my edited post
  4. go more careful then but think about it if your careful it no worse than in a car my ferrets dont even like me starting mine in the garden ............ stealthy must have some relaxed ferrets then do you even have ferrets ? plus parking the bike near the burys is likely to result in digsif not were would you put the bike ?
  5. go more careful then but think about it if your careful it no worse than in a car my ferrets dont even like me starting mine in the garden ............
  6. ive heard of badgers killing leverets and fawns but i ain heard lamb ...... yet .....
  7. me and my dad have planned it all out anyway we are putting our wheaten X over her dont worry they will make good all rounders.. good luck with the breeding
  8. How old is the lurcher.?? Sounds like to need to go back to basics with her. 7 months old
  9. hi all can someone help me out my lurcher used to rietrive shot pigeons and reitrived her first rabbit but now its all gone out the window she runs off with rabbits and crunches them up can someone help please !!
  10. dogs aint thick mate they know what to kill and what to ritrive although you will sometimes get a dog that just crunches anything and everrything
  11. ive heard they run like salukis never actually seen one though have a look on youtube
  12. well shame i didnt ask earlier i took the dogs out today the oldest one got onto a hares on a massive gravel track a couple of cuts to his pads were the only damage cheers for the replys
  13. hi all i want to put together a first aid kit for me dogs but what shall i get ???
  14. went out and shot my first rabbit with the ratcatcher today http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss81/lu...r-lad09/015.jpg
  15. another one dont work fields with goats in
  16. 18 years old ?!!!!!!!!! and your going to walk it like you said ?
  17. ive noticed that before with my own dogs anyone now why ?
  18. nothing wrong with that he did ask for PRE-BAN footage
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