cheers lads...... .....the pup breeding without going to far into it is line bred charlie x foxy....of c nuttal.....the dam is a bitch called roxy....out of jack x splash....and sire is buddy x indy.....
she looks abit like my bitch . . .
hi all as you lads and lasses probabley know iv been wanting to see a dig for ages but havent as of yet i followed the local hunt but they said they dont dig anymore just fill in the earths so just wondering where else could i see one ?
Relax young lad.
dont tell me to relax after ive been bitten by a squrriel lol
Did you sell that air riffle yet? if not make sure he dosent bite you again
dont worry the dogs will make sure of that lol
You get feckall for cheep these days lads. still that might do me for the meantime I would mostly be shining out of the car. what about its strength? would it be ok
you could try the cyclops out of nef shop only £37 quid
nef shop?
north east fieldsports
oops............Get yourself the hospital and a jab for anti tetanus,them tree rats are full of shyte
you can get lock jaw and all kinds from them
will do mate it only scratched through the skin though
well just got back from taking the pup out for some retriving what a fecking fiasco it was i let her of the lead in the field when she shot over to some holly bushes seconds later i hear some sqealing run over to find her locked onto a squrriel shaki8ng it like feck but then it bit her on her muzzle so i grabbed its tail and the little f****r turnt round and bit me i dropped its and so dfid she and it ran into a pile of bricks it was only a scratch but it f*****g hurt at the time