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ferret boy charlie

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Everything posted by ferret boy charlie

  1. what a daft thing to say....that is a very broad statement and bloody untrue....just re read what you have written....i cant get my head round what you have said and lads agree with you....day or night mate if i want it on my dinner table its going in my bag................... got to agree there mate. another thing is there are alot of ways a hare could die without any chance at all i.e shotgun rifle net wire. instead of arguing on here about wich are easier get out and do your own thing. i dont see the problem aslong as they arnt run in the summer and spring months. and saying that som
  2. at last someone talking some bloody sense!!!! they may slightly be easier on the lamp but not by much.....im sure alot of the expert advice comes form lads that dont ever get out at night..... i do get out at night infact im going out abit later my dad dont course hares yes i would rather see one given fair law and coursed by a dog than a lamped one but if someone wants to lamp hares whats the f*****g problem ? it aint harming no one but the hare Christ going out lamping pregnant hares out of season what a true sportsman. let me guess, u are running a wippet that cant ca
  3. thats the same as saying what if a rabbit ran off . . . it all about shot placement imo and i woudnt shoot them on the water with an airgun either.there is a time and a place for an airgun against ducks. atb FBC
  4. i think you need to watch your mouth mate id like to see you say that to there face hope you get your dogs back mate
  5. no hare is easy and a lamped hare tastes the same as a daytime one atb FBC
  6. hi all im thinking about either getting and australian cattle dog cross or a 1/4 beddie 3/4 whippet so any pics of either of these breeds
  7. hi magwitch how is a bred ?ive been thinking about getting a 1/4 beddie 3/4 whippet just for ferreting and lamping aswell as accomining me on my gatenetting trips
  8. Is that a fox hound? What type its pure white?? looks like a harrier to me ?
  9. i prefer to trap them myself as ive just made seven larsens
  10. my little bro loces comming out with ferrets and lurchers. shame there aint alot of other youngens into the sport.
  11. try her on rats mate she will soon learn to pick up and shake.
  12. dog look in top nic mate cheers mate he will look better when fit.
  13. why do you think there are alot of trapper called mole trapper moley .ect ?
  14. to me that loooks like birds and dogs had been at it although it looks there had been abit of a struggle . as big cats will break the victims neck and will also half bury it or drag it up a tree it looks too clean for fox although badger maybey ? also i think cats also piss up it and will allways drag the pounch away. also dont big cats pick the bones clean ? were there any tracks around it ? have a look if there were paw marks with claw marks it wasnt a cat if it was keep an eye out . just my thoughts.
  15. yeah i used to until my lamps got robbed what was he like on lamp? atb N.H he wasnt the best lamp dog in the world i thought it was a good night if he cought 5 or 6 yes please mate should be a good lough
  16. £25-£35 for a munty!!!!!???? In this neck of the woods a muntjack would have to be the size of a f***ing Tiger Tank to fetch much more than a fiver at the game dealer's. I can't speak for the current roe deer price as the last 2 I've shot went into either my or the keeper's stew pot, but munties bring 50p a kilo. That's skin on, head and feet off, guts out. lol apparentley there meat is VERY popular although he allways asks for me to skin them.
  17. cornish cross hairs, dont make a bad start to the site, practise more as one persons posts were all deleted because he was talking about hitting animals and wounding them. i cant stress how important it is to practise more before you hunt. its horrible and inhumane way for any animal to die so before youre next hunt make sure you can hit on target 4 times out of five to avoid injuring your quarry and it dying slow and painfuly. Ye that makes sense, but a air rifle to a foxes head in a snare should be fine the Aaron. i tried to tell him he needs a bigger gun but he argued back
  18. depends on what im working my main quarry were pre-ban munties and you needed a speedy up and at em type dog but nowadays i prefer brains\skill for rabbits
  19. im only reapiting what i have been told mate im not trying to start an argument but frlm what i was told you can have muzzle loaders and hammerguns that are over a hundred years old you can keep without a shotgun certificate im trying to loook it up now. p.s it was a police officer that said this.
  20. if you have any trees near there burrows sit up there and wait for a little while thats what i do alot although make sure you get comfortable first.
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