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ferret boy charlie

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Everything posted by ferret boy charlie

  1. well lads and lasses ive just been up the road to a local barn that has a rat problem and some thievin scumbag has stolen 8 BRAND new fenn traps and a live catch rat trap really boiled my piss now
  2. hi all there is a mink that needs to be trapped by the side of a big stream but the only probem is that there is hundreds of rabbit holes that it goes into so what should i do ? and where should i set the traps ?
  3. take them to a place were theres rats and they will do it natturally although they maybe abit slow first time round
  4. no they dont you watched the video otherwise like stubby said he could understand
  5. master hunters nets mate they are the best if not netloft
  6. just noticed you made a snidy wee remark in another topic about labs pulling down stags, the guys i know who iv been going out with since i was knee high will have shot more deer than you have pubes and they wouldnt walk about with a pet lab the labs are for tracking or pulling down a wounded animal, i dont need to make up storys do you think i just sat here and thought to myself ill say i know labs that do it? yer nothin but a pillock, some of these labs werent the biggest labs iv seen but strong animals as they were out doing this everday some commission stalker owned and some not, iv shot a
  7. yeah but once youve been cought the first\second\third time people begin to suspect when you go out with a battery pack on your shoulder lol
  8. it sure has been luke thanks to all who replied really appreciated it maybe when the ban is lifted we could go and see if we could drop one lol oh wel its been a gopod thread thanks again all
  9. ill give you that 1 p.s good on you bigfoot dont hold grudges
  10. well from your name you seem to shoot pigeons
  11. can someone ge a pic of it up so everyone else can see it please ?
  12. you do that and think before you post turd like this
  13. the lad in the bali is above 6 foot no doubt you know him or is it just the tod boy you know the fact is it was big [not a monster park deer but then that was never my bag ] it WAS rugby tackled it DID fall and DID have me sat on its neck everyone of those you said couldnt be done or scoffed at how many red stags of any variety you seen taken?atb :feck:ps werent that keen on master but to say he aint so big 29 is big enough in my book it even says in the book some people say it cant be done but heres the proof it can a great stag with two great crosses: hiedi and master
  14. yesh well you guessed rong if you aint got no proof dont say riduculous things
  15. no its not although i wouldnt recomend it and you need to go and work with a keeper for a couple of days THEN you will see that they do damag
  16. ha what would you shoot them with ? your air rifle ?
  17. probably an old or sick animal i would find it inpossible to believe that any dog could pull down a stag in its prime even when they used to hunt them with deerhounds the dogs were only used to run them down and hold them at bay then a man would finnish it with a knife rather him than me well mate they have got the proof and it didnt look sick in the pic
  18. sound bloke who loves digging

  19. My chickens are free range, what safety measures do you think I should install to safe guard them ?. a twelve bore . . .
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