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ferret boy charlie

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About ferret boy charlie

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 23/12/1994

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    darn sarf !!!!!
  • Interests
    lurchers terriers ferrets guns and fieldsports

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  1. not sent a comment in ages wat u been up to [bANNED TEXT]

  2. not only chicks but a couple of roe kids ive seen get minced in harvesters poor buggers nice pics mate
  3. yah it would take a rabbit piece of piss but for sevarel reasons i dont hunt with it its cumbersome its for close range shooting and its illegal i think it would deffo drop a deer with shot placement but i think rifles are better for that particular job dont you ? Depends mate, I'd reckon he's talking metaphorically. People hunt with bows all over the world, there was a thread on a bear dropped with a bow on here a while back. To say rifles are better is like saying that a ferret is better than a lurcher/air rifle/shotgun/whatever. Different tools to do the same job. lol thats just my
  4. yah it would take a rabbit piece of piss but for sevarel reasons i dont hunt with it its cumbersome its for close range shooting and its illegal i think it would deffo drop a deer with shot placement but i think rifles are better for that particular job dont you ?
  5. ive got one 125foot per pounds i think good for a lough but i dont hunt with it ive been trying to sell it but people just dont seem interested in crossbows as soon as you tell em is no good for hunting
  6. thats why they call em ROE sacks mate ive been lent the harkila ones and they do the job well enough in my opinion
  7. nice one mate i hade 24 this morning when moching about with the shotty and terrier and welldone to the pup
  8. Plastics tend to shine a lot if they get wet........so flock are better. But best of all (and i have always done it) is to use the real thing.......! I always keep 8-12 of the best pigeons from a previous shoot to use as deeks. Better than anything i find, and i always snip off one of the legs of each of the frozen birds so i know which are the fresh ones after a shoot Rolfe. lol i use to do that but then i havent been decoying in a couple of years as the person i used to go with sold all his gear so im starting from scratch ill probabley buy some of them flock shell ones to start of
  9. hi all just wonderin in your experiance are flock coated decoys better than plastic ?
  10. i saw a pure greyhound that took over 7 mins to catch her hare and in my mind it takes a good dog and a bloody good hare
  11. i reackon ill go for a trammel as alot of places i work now i need to catch young rabbits aswell as the biguns
  12. mate aslong as it was killed humanley whats the problem ?
  13. hi all im going to buy a couple of quickset trammel nets soon and was wondering what is better trammels or longnets for ferreting ?
  14. nice one mate ill take some pics of the ones i made soon ive still got them locked though as im unable to check them at the mo
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