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Everything posted by Stallion

  1. Welcome mate enjoy the site. Stallion.
  2. Welcome mate.........i'm fairly new here also..........but they are a good bunch.......the sane ones that is Stallion.
  3. He's a cracker mate...........look after him. Stallion.
  4. Welcome Del............enjoy. Stallion.
  5. Happy New Year to you all Stallion.
  6. Stallion


    MAY 2008 BRING YOU ALL HEALTH WEALTH AND HAPPINESS.........but not nescessarily in that order. Stallion
  7. Hey.......that is brilliant ........mine wont even start. Stallion
  8. Hi LH.........nice pictures of the birds. Stallion
  9. Welcome mate.........new here myself........enjoy the site. Stallion.
  10. Once we had a cat in one.........try getting that out in the dark. Stallion.
  11. You can never beat a REAL women thats a fact Stallion.
  12. I wanted one for christmas..........not a sheep though. Stallion
  13. Getting some good suggestions lads........should have said 2nd hand is OK........got about £150.00 to spend. Stallion
  14. Hiya, I'm new to the site........but just wondered if anybody could reccomend a good air-rifle for squirrel shooting, spring or pre-charged i'm not bothered which..........! Stallion
  15. Just thought i would say hello and look forward to exploring the site and picking up a few tips Stallion
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