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Everything posted by Stallion

  1. Well said jigsaw, i agree entirely.......leave our Kay alone. At least she makes an effort to post topics unlike some of the wasters on here. Stallion.
  2. Yes i go along with the badger possibility........but without a close inspection it's hard to tell. Stallion.
  3. I have a deep mistrust of women with beards.. Stallion.
  4. No more dirty calls then Kay Stallion.
  5. Thats worth a try anyway if you are caught without a knife.........well done. Stallion.
  6. Nice one Kay..........how old do you reckon? Stallion.
  7. If you do branch into glamour photography.........can i be the one that applies ice cubes please? Stallion.
  8. Nice pics mate.........they are hard to take of running dogs. Stallion.
  9. Can you imagine the outcry in the National papers had it been two beaters attacking an anti. These cowardly, sick in the head low-life, no doubt think they have scored a huge success........ But revenge is a dish best served cold...! I hope the lady concerend is recovering from her ordeal. Stallion.
  10. Nice Picture Lukey.......start em young i say. Stallion.
  11. Yes.........whereabouts are you? Stallion.
  12. The low-life scum that ruin peoples lives and cause untold pain and suffering by stealing dogs for profit need Culling...end of. Stallion
  13. I use my Kania like that as well at times........works just as well. Stallion.
  14. Stallion


    Yes it is and it will go only one way.I served me country like thousand of others I love my way of life but as I get older I get more cynical,.Every part of my life is being encroached upon,whether it be an ever increasing population,Speed cameras hunting ,shooting ,tail docking.,fuel duty global warming.A death by a thousand cuts.Stay and fight you reply Stallion what for and more important who?A government country who expects are soldiers to die in far away lands who dont even supply the correct kit.A government who expects farmers to pack it all in so they can build on the land.A government
  15. Stallion


    Yes it is and it will go only one way.I served me country like thousand of others I love my way of life but as I get older I get more cynical,.Every part of my life is being encroached upon,whether it be an ever increasing population,Speed cameras hunting ,shooting ,tail docking.,fuel duty global warming.A death by a thousand cuts.Stay and fight you reply Stallion what for and more important who?A government country who expects are soldiers to die in far away lands who dont even supply the correct kit.A government who expects farmers to pack it all in so they can build on the land.A government
  16. Stallion


    Well K9 i wouldn't let this shower of no-hopers drive me from my country mate......i'll stay and fight. Stallion.
  17. Stallion


    This country is fast becoming a police state mate...........well it's in a state thats for sure. Stallion.
  18. Nothing worse than an envelope thingy on it. Stallion. Oh i know Well there speaks a women of experience i think. the mind boggles Kay Stallion. You dont want to know what goes on in my mind Well now your just teasing. Stallion.
  19. Nothing worse than an envelope thingy on it. Stallion. Oh i know Well there speaks a women of experience i think. the mind boggles Kay Stallion.
  20. Stallion


    What we need here apart from getting rid of this shower of shit called a government, is a good old fashioned peasants revolt, give the country back to locals. Stallion.
  21. Magnificent animal Dawn........just a delight to see. Stallion.
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