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Everything posted by Stallion

  1. Yes i agree with whats been said..........but i always keep the bottom of the wire a good 9-11inches high to prevent badgers being caught......also a hazel hoop jump stick over the snare can be benificial........any deer jump the wire and it also helps charlie to duck his head. Stallion.
  2. A conscience is what hurts when all other parts feel so good. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. Stallion
  3. Was on sale at Arthur Carters (CMW) In their full page advert. Stallion.
  4. Were there any more holes in the vicinity or was it just the one? If it were rat there would be a bolt hole somewhere close by......my guess is rat. Mink......although they would use it, tend to use drier areas for their sleeping quarters...IE...rabbit buries and tree root areas slightly up form the water line. Stallion.
  5. But with double Knitting.........are they not double the weight.????? Stallion.
  6. I have caught young rabbits in every month of the year, but it does seem to be becoming more and more the norm. Stallion.
  7. Yes...........spot on bill mate.........it must be a beddie thing eh! He also loves catching partridge as well, this is also common in beddie crosses i believe. Rolfe. My old lurcher used to stand motionless with her nose nearly on the ground and would just move her eyes to look at me and then look away again, as if saying "It's in here you daft bugger" Stallion.
  8. My Dad...........his favourite saying used to be. "The people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away, and the real pains in the arse are permanent, Stallion.
  9. I'm not, actually, as it happens. I just genuinely don't bother sniffing round any and every person on the net who says they're female. Not that I'm suggesting for a moment that the vast majority of girls on this site aren't females. But so what? I make no distinction when reading and replying to their posts. This is a Field Sports forum. Not a pick up joint. If it were the latter I wouldn't be here. I'm simply not interested in picking anyone up. Ipso fact; No interest in what they might look like See? Nothing sinister. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life i
  10. Hares arent affected by mixy.... Only rabbits are. year why is that?????????? Myxomatosis is spread from rabbit to rabbit by blood sucking insects, particularly the rabbit flea.It can spread form wild to domestic rabbits, but it does not affect any other animals such as hares, cats,dogs or humans. Stallion.
  11. It looks pretty hefty to me............old moley wouldn't know what hit him. Stallion
  12. Welcome to the madhouse mate.............only joking.........enjoy Stallion
  13. welcome mate...........enjoy the site. Stallion.
  14. Lloydy............i do over 300 wasp nests every year and maybe get stung once or twice.........never go stung once last year.........I sting the customers though Rolfey. what you charge for wasp nests where you are Rolfe?
  15. Nice Pair Mate.... Stallion.
  16. Stallion


    Glad to hear it works on girls...............Thankfully i don't need it quite just yet....(Viagra that is) Stallion.
  17. Should have just twatted him mate i would of......not for what he said........for grassing.. Stallion.
  18. Yeah i read the book and it is an interesting read.........goes on about his early army days also. Stallion.
  19. Are those tiny jill's or large hob's!!! That hammock would comfortably house 2 large hobs no bother Lucky ferrets i say....... Stallion.
  20. You are right LL..........truly a remarkable sight. Stallion.
  21. What about the tale of the old empty barn then........? Stallion.
  22. Hiya to my American friends.........yes it is true....all my dogs are beautiful to me anyway. Stallion.
  23. I free fall pot-holing and worm charming. Stallion.
  24. I think thickness is as as impotrtant as lenth also..... Stallion.
  25. I always cut my sticks over-length.........then cut them down to suit the customer. Stallion.
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