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Everything posted by DDD

  1. DDD

    Operating Systems

    I thought W7 was vista based???
  2. DDD

    Operating Systems

    Had a version of Linux on this laptop - it lasted a day before I took it off & put windows on it. Can't be doing with it, too much of a pain to sort out networked printers etc. Cheers Dave
  3. Had a good morning out this morning with Donnie, cheers mate, really gave me a chance to bring on the 2 young jills. Not massive bags but more productive in my eyes than anything else, certainly beats dealing with rocks up the dale!! In total we got 5 but as said the ferrets gained a whole lot more in experience. Good little marker you've got there mate, without fault. Cheers Dave
  4. I'd be up for that mate, when you planning? Dave
  5. Hi Folks, went out this morning on one of my permissions, bit of snow on the high ground & a bit of a wind. Found the holes I wanted to do, netted up, entered the hob......................................... 45 mins later with no rabbits so far I got the mk3 out, started searching ended up about 10ft away from the entry hole, now initially the locator was showing 4ft. Got the shovel, 3" down hit rock!!! Put my ear to the hole & I could hear him but could also hear water - wtf!! Checked again with the locator & now it was bouncing between 2ft and 8ft!! The only
  6. DDD


    Good work on those sticks, the rabbit reminds looks similar to the work of the bloke whose trademark is the little mouse. There's an old bloke up this way who is spot on at the stick making - Acorn sticks I think he calls himself. That said, I've never seen work like these.
  7. I prefer my 17 to the 22, so much so I was thinking of having it removed from my ticket. Excellent piece of kit straight out the box.
  8. DDD

    Collars & Leads

    If you want a leather collar making, let me know what you want, I can't reallt second guess peoples requirements. I make stuff that works well, after being tried & tested for many hours/weeks/etc etc. Prices added where required - sorry mods
  9. DDD

    Collars & Leads

    You'll have to empty your inbox mate.
  10. DDD

    Collars & Leads

    My latest addition A very heavy duty collar, made from English bridle leather. Neck size 18 - 23 inch Width - 2 inch Thickness - 8mm. Price - £39.99 Will be adding this to my site later tonight. Thanks for looking folks. Happy & safe hunting
  11. Hi Folks, I'm doing various collars & lead sets including slip leads, heavy duty sets plus many many more. Here are a few examples; Show type lead - £14.99 Collar & lead set - £24.99 Harnesses - £44.99 I also do locator pouches, cartridge pouches (open top & closed), ferret collars & harnesses. All varying prices. Something for the weekend; £20 Plus a whole range of gifts from bookmarks to notebooks. Have a browse of my site, if you want to order PM me. Thanks for looking Dave
  12. Hi Folks, I've been in touch with someone who can make some new screw caps for the mk1 collars. Would anyone be interested in them or is everyone onto the mk3's? If you're interested pop me a pm & I'll take a trip up to ssee him. Cheers Dave
  13. Is that not the Johnny Kingdom one? Think it's in a pen
  14. Have to agree with donnie on this. Army is now a joke. Theres cases up here at ITC where the instructor will tell a Fijian to do something, the Fijian then looks at is village chief (or son of chief) for approval before doing it! WTF is all that about. THEN, when you give them a wronging for doing something stupid YOU get accused of being RACIST!!! Absolute joke.
  15. Got some Deerhunter trousers that have the deertex membrne in them, well, did have until it goes cold & you sound like you are walking round in a crisp bag!! Took the deertex membrane out & now so much better. Still warm too. Think they were the smallville version, ones with the leather fronts.
  16. Goretex trousers now gone folks.
  17. Not being picky but they are illegal in UK UNLESS you stick to the 446 frequencies.
  18. Webbing isn't sewn together, its 95 type, with yoke, belt, twin ammo, utility & waterbottle pouches. The Daysack is the patrol sack. Goretex trousers are 96cm waist, leg.
  19. Hi Folks, a few items have already gone so here's what's left; NBC top - ideal for shooting/fishing, full length zip, height 180cm, chest 100cm. - £5 Full set of infantry style webbing - £30 DPM daysack - £40 Goretex waterproof trousers - £5 Lightweight dpm trousers 100cm waist - £10 each. Other items; Brand new Bahco chisels, sizez - 6,10,12,16,25mm - £8 each LED headlamp - brand new still in packet - £15 Used Belkin ADSL router (wireless G) - £10 Over 18 item; New, boxed, Leatherman Klamath folding knife with gut hook, complete with belt ppouch & boxed. £95
  20. Thank F I didn't join. Joined CA instead, was BASC member for year but didn't fancy paying for their new offices.
  21. Just had to go & pick the ferret cages up!! Luckily theyre all ok. Now to convince the Mrs they MUST live in the shed
  22. DDD

    what we hunt

    For me it's all quarry/animals. There have been times when out shooting that I've just sat & watched them run about & never shot any foxes/rabbits etc etc. Just good to be a spectator sometimes. Most remarkable thing I've seen is a stoat trying to nick one of the rabbits I shot whilst I was sat having a break - let the little bugger have it - the rabbit was about 4 times the size of the stoat & it ended up dragging it about 10 feet down a track. Nature always humbles me.
  23. Will be sticking these on Ebay next week, jump in quick. Cheers
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