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Everything posted by stevethefish

  1. Some memories I gather then, I started ferreting 40 years ago when I was 10 and it was like I had found treasure. I loved it but after about 3 years I had a break for a couple of years until I was about 18 or so. I then met up with the likes of Dave Liko and Chris Seymour and it started to become more frequent and at one stage I had 60 ferrets for breeding purposes in an awesome set up. That was hard work, you can't work that many ferrets so I finished up selling most of them, you can't have that many ferrets and not work them it's criminal. Well now I am into my 50th I still find the time to
  2. I will have to sit on the gun mate, still a bit sore the old foot, been thousands of pigeons on there tomorrow so get your fingers ready for some plucking.
  3. Right the idea is not to slag off anyone or to make comments that would upset others, this is supposed to be a general banter thread. There's nothing wrong if you go out and get 2 or 3, it's not about, I, or we are better than you. It's supposed to be all about loving our sport and providing some pest control but mainly enjoying what you do. I love every minute and I am out there come sun, rain, snow, freezing conditions etc. I just like to see that others are enjoying it too, and it's nice to see some big bags regardless of how many were on the job, does it matter? Look at those pics Tomo p
  4. Fantastic bags and pics well done Tomo like the pic with them all on the gate.
  5. Come on guys what's the best ever bag you have taken, give us a story and pics if you have any, It would be nice to have that really special day. I am planning on doing a record bid next season and will need some grafters willing to help out, are you interested? I only want trustworthy guys that will respect the land and be willing to graft on some tricky land. Rewards could be plenty of bunnies and a chance to be a record holder.
  6. I wasn't allowed to drive (by law) but I couldn't anyway but that's all changed now as Arnie said (I'll be back) and now I am. I was struggling just to stand up never mind walk at first, I hate being stuck in the house I am an outdoor person. Archie it doesn't matter how many we take they will always recover and be as many the next season, it's proper rabbit country here. Still got 1000's of acres not touched yet. Got a call from a keeper today asking us to do a dyke and hedgerow we did last year and took well over 100 in 2 days, it's solid again.
  7. Well not be long now before my foot is well enough to get back out there, only trouble is the time is ticking away. I have seen plenty of new green vegetation on the roadside while on the way to the hospital yesterday. This is the sign that it's almost over, you need to see all the holes or it's just a waste of time. The young are starting to get more frequent too and when it's a dig every set that's when we call it a day. On the brighter side, I sent the Crew (without me) being a friggin cripple at the moment, down to one of the farms, the farmer had seen a fair few rabbits on a boundary he
  8. Well not be long now before my foot is well enough to get back out there, only trouble is the time is ticking away. I have seen plenty of new green vegetation on the roadside while on the way to the hospital yesterday. This is the sign that it's almost over, you need to see all the holes or it's just a waste of time. The young are starting to get more frequent too and when it's a dig every set that's when we call it a day. On the brighter side, I sent the Crew (without me) being a friggin cripple at the moment, down to one of the farms, the farmer had seen a fair few rabbits on a boundary he
  9. P.s that's a proper gay stance on that misty pic Stevo. Chase me chase me......
  10. Well done lads, good day out, not seen your pic up for ages though Mick thought you had stopped ferreting. Bet you don't remember me!
  11. Nice pics there lads keep up the good work, nice looking dogs too
  12. Sorry about the pics don't know what went wrong. will sort it later I had been sat in the house for over a week since the operation on my foot and was bored silly. I had been told that I need to have at least another week not walking with my foot elevated, well I don't think so, I was going out of my mind. I arranged for the lads to pick me up thinking I would just hobble about and watch them as I wasn't in a state to help out. Well as it happened after I had arranged it that evening at 8pm the temperature dropped to minus 11 and was still falling, could this have been a mistake by me. Well
  13. Well its about 200-300 a day around here, trailer went past earlier while I was watching these with a good 100 plus on
  14. I have a couple of scopes for sale, I will sell them as a pair or willing to swap (WHY) The first one is a Tasco 3-9x40, with a set of mounts both brand new and unused. Bought this a while ago for my son's pcp but never fitted it. The second one is a Simmons 4-12x40 used, I don't know much about this one I took it of an air rifle I sold a couple of years ago, the guy wanted the gun cheaper and had another scope to fit. It is not A1 condition but would certainly do for some young air gunner for a starting scope. I am willing to sell or swap for something that would be of benefit to me in the
  15. Shit I sold one of these for £170 a while ago must want my head examined.
  16. Now lads calm down, there are loads around here too many in fact, the keepers are out all the time though so be warned. Stevo call and pick me up in the morning feck it had enough sat indoors, will take my chances on my bad foot. Got a boll*cking from the hozzy yesterday when I told them I had been walking about. They said I will be suffering for months if I don't put my feet up and rest, it's not healed up inside yet just the skin closed up.
  17. Well I am bored to tears, off my feet for a couple of weeks and missing out on some good ferreting especially now the snows down. I was watching the hares in the field at the front of my house, they stand out well in the snow, sometimes see over 50 in one field but today just saw 18 or so. I took a couple of pics from my bedroom window. Get ready hares the hunting parties are on their way, saw a trailer go past earlier with 100 plus on.
  18. Ring and ask them you will get the words from the "Horses mouth" was going to put something else!
  19. Yes they come out of the sunlight and sometimes easy to mistake when flying in or amongst wood pigeons and ferrals.
  20. They're very similar and most are mistaken for feral pigeons. Quite rare to see Stock Dove. Great pic! not that rare around here
  21. Brill mate wish I could get out, looks a bit like the fields behind my house, can't wait to get my stitches out and back on the job.
  22. Hi Mate pity your so far away I could have given you a few hours when I'm back on my feet after my op.
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