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Everything posted by stevethefish

  1. If they are not getting out much they will not eat a lot at this time of year, you will find they sleep a lot more too. As long as they are eating something and drinking they will be fine, when it warms up they will get back to normal. Also clean out the hutch regular as you say they store lots in their bedding.
  2. Leave your ferret in the box on the lawn and when your terrier sticks its tongue through the ventilation holes and gets grabbed by the ferret and drags the box around the garden thats the time they get broke into ferrets. It happened to my 9 month old patt and she keeps well clear of the ferrets now. Having a few holes and a rip in her tongue for a week or so sure does the trick.
  3. This was Just under £200 new so sorry can do. Hi mate I will have it! PM sent
  4. Wish you were closer mate I would snap the patt up she looks a tidy dog.
  5. Got to agree mine comes from good stock not had to train him it came natural, patterdale all the way but plummers fantastic.
  6. It makes sense to keep the lines alive, just get the best you can and hopefully off good working parents.
  7. Like the puppies scrubworm!!! :victory: :icon_eek:
  8. Fleas will still breed even off the host, they will live on dogs and cats for ages and get into the carpets and will give you horrible bites that some people react to badly. Although the fleas will leave the host when the body temperature drops when dead they will actively seek a new host. It pays to keep the rabbits in a closed bag for transporting and now and again dust the bag inside with flea powder. The other problem with rabbit fleas is they carry the mixy virus and if you catch rabbits in a mixy area it pays to skin them before moving them, protect your sport! They are unavoidable bagg
  9. Hi all, any ideas why there are not many patts available in the lincolnshire area, I have been looking for a bitch under 12 months old for ages, there just seems to be a shortage. I know that pups from good lines are sold before they are born, as in the case of my dog, I waited ages for him. I just wish I could find him some company terriers should not live alone. If anyone knows of any for sale not too far away please drop me a pm.
  10. Patts come in all colours, breeding counts keep the bloodline!!! p.s I am also looking for a bitch not bothered about colour, I will keep an eye out for a choccy bitch for you.
  11. you what? thats a lie.he is nearly 18. it says hes 43 on his page Here's a pic of my pup, well 7 months now wife took him for a walk earlier and he knobbled an oxo cube while on the lead.
  12. My patt now 7 months old, getting the grasp of things now
  13. Met up with 3 mates today who travelled down to Lincs from Sheffield for a days ferreting. I took them on one of the farms and we had a decent day all told. We started off ferreting some open warrens netting 7 on the first, 4 on the next and then 6, we then moved on to a few dykes with hedegrows that were a bit overgrown and quite difficult. This was to get brownie points from the farmer as the rabbits were eating his fruit trees in his garden so needs must. We struggled to net many of the holes as they were hard to get to so just netted the easy ones and took pot luck. We had 5 ferrets all
  14. Also got a leather strap somewhere to fit.
  15. Hi selling my Career 707 mk2 on FAC its firing from 25ft/lb to a max of 80ft/lb. Divers bottle with gauge, sound mod, Shinsung gun slip and Tasco illuminated ret scope included. The gun is awesome for extreme long range rabbiting etc, it is in good condition and is on FAC so only people with a slot for one please. Any questions please pm me, I will add pictures of it. Please note the scope and mounts fitted are not the ones for sale, they are back on my .17hmr, the ones for sale with the gun can be seen on the .22lr below, the sun visor is just a make shift one that just pulls off. I am lo
  16. Well I suppose everyone has their own opinion about how much and how long you should keep a ferret, I have had ferrets since I was a young lad 30 years or so. It's just the last couple of years I have not kept any because of certain commitments, work etc and I don't think you should keep them if you cannot give them some of your time and of course work them. At one time I had in excess of 20 and all of them got a share of rabbiting, and all got handled on a daily basis. It just seems that most young kids of today just aren't bothered with such things. Is it that they are to lazy or just not
  17. A bit far that but thanks, might have sorted a couple will know by the weekend.
  18. What has happened to all the ferrets, there just doesn't seem to be any about at all. I used to breed them a few years ago and stopped because you just could not give them away in the end. I have been trying to get hold of one for ages, the local ferret rescue has them but insist they are in pairs when they let them go, thats after they come and do a home check and so on, plus the ferrets are neuted and chipped at £25 each, that's a whopping £50 if you don't mind. Well I guess I will just keep on looking, unless someone out there knows of one or two looking for a good home at a reasonable p
  19. Anyone got a couple of ferrets for sale? I live near Lincoln but travel to Sheffield regular. Cheers Steve
  20. Hi anyone know where I can get a jill ferret or a couple even, I live near lincoln, don't want a hannibal lecter ferret though. Cheers Steve
  21. Anyone got a 12g o/u m/c for sale in decent condintion for under £500?
  22. Hi all wanting a ferret for my son, either working or young not too bothered. I live Lincoln way if anyone got one drop me a pm. Cheers.
  23. Hi all just joined nice to keep in touch with people of the same mind, long live field sports. My name is Steve and I live in Lincoln, love shooting and ferreting and semi pro at fishing, I have a fishing bait company Miracle Baits. Cheers
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