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Everything posted by johnk

  1. yes there was only a certain amount published,just bought the book started reading only half way through book is excellent up till now really enjoying it .thanks mr darcy
  2. good dog doesn,t loose much on the wheel
  3. probably give some of the stupid crosses that people are trying a run
  4. johnk


    great videos mate
  5. i think this is a wind up,but if not welcome
  6. nice dogs you got there mate
  7. theres a straight cross collie greyhound in the for sale section that has threw more to the collie almost looks like a leggie collie ,take a look at it
  8. johnk


    nice dod very strong lookin what cross
  9. well done mate good hours shooting
  10. weird lookin wonder it survived
  11. a nose is one of the most important thing in the terrier
  12. great pics of beddy crosses i like them all think theyre the best workers out all the crosses
  13. great lookin lurcher mate best of luck with him
  14. i think if you started using a shock collar on your dog for chasing deerif you did want it to hunt big stuff the dog wouldnt be sure if it was to course it or not,might mess up your dogs head.keep the dog on a lead on dodgy ground and let the dog do what it was bred for
  15. nice lookin bitch mate very racy lookin
  16. looks great mate should make a good all rounder
  17. great pics dawn very professional lookin
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