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Everything posted by dwighet

  1. I cant help it.. I love fecken dead cats.. I better think before i type next time..Nice one ditch
  2. were can i get me one of them pelicans? would save me a bundle on 12ga cartridges
  3. Thats the job!!! And a free pint after...Isnt life good? I hate fecken cats...
  4. I have always wanted one of those cameras for fox and deer...But never got around to it...The old credit card hasnt had a workout for a while so i think i`ll go shopping for one.. go raivh maith agat Sean
  5. Its an addiction...and id be the first to admit im an addict.Just like you.Except my flavour is CZ
  6. 17`s for me when im shootn rabbits But i`d use the 20 for a fox as it has better penetration.
  7. Nice one buddy...it was worth the wait hey!! Try turning the pixel size down on your camera or use a mobile phone with the camera settings on low quality if its a nokia.
  8. Stick with CZ my friend.....I have one and Most of my shootn buddies have one and you will never hear a bad word spoken about em..BUY a brooks trigger kit for it which is the price of 8-9 pints and you`ll be happy.
  9. go for a bushnell elite 6x24x50 with side px. from the usa or a burris of the same sort of mag mate. both top scopes and at good prices over there i have the bushnell elite 6-24x 40. the older model on my 17hmr.love it....
  10. hi dwighet a good one to try is persil or daz get it up ya mate hole!!!!!!! good one though
  11. Hi fellas. Im thinking of starting to reload.. What powders would you guys recommend for a .223 52-69gn bullet..twist rate is 1-9 and 24inch barrel. And 6.5x55 140gn bullet twist rate 1-8.5 and 24 inch barrel.. Thanks Dwight
  12. jon15 you should see the groups he gets at 100... a big pea would cover 10 shots... pm remmy and im sure he will give you his magic brew.....
  13. Remmy i`ll go brick stalking with you.. Will we need to get PLASTERED first?
  14. can you please explain why you find it so hard to believe, what would i gain by lying, is it because you haven't seen this accuracy before or is it because your rifle cant shoot small groups, its not the rifle its the guy behind it. all you need is a bit of know how, this is done with a bog standard stalking rifle not a fancy custom job, you and your rifle are more than capable of shooting at these type of ranges, its all to do with getting the balistics right then getting a drop chart done for your bullet once you have got that, its a walk in the park, as for the three yards comment i would
  15. Hey Baldie.what make is the mod on the black rifle.. Thanks Dwight
  16. Could give rimfirecentral a go as well.i have found them helpful in the past with my cz queries..
  17. Hi there. Can anyone tell me what twist rate has a heym sr 21 .243cal.. Will it stablize a 100gn bullet.. Many thanks Dwight
  18. The picture doesn`t do it justice.It wasnt huge but it was no fawn... Keep at charlie, decker. Every dog has his day.
  19. We went out this afternoon around half 5,Young Mikey and myself in search of a few foxes..After parking the car and loading the rifles off we went to a spot that has yielded many a fox for us...On the way there to our surprise stood 5 fallow deer.Young Mikey let fly with a shot and down she went...Lovely shot Mike.. after cleaning the deer we decided that it would be best to take it back to the car as it was getting dark and we were going to need the lamp as i was not ready to leave without my fox.Well it didnt take long after that and i had one in the bag.. Now we can home Mikey...
  20. Hi lad . Im thinking of putting a moderator on my cz 550 6.5x55. I use this gun for deer stalking and want a mod that is lighter and slimmer than a t8.. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Dwight
  21. I was out chasing deer this morning at half six with my old mate Dan. After about an hour of trekking through the fields surrounding a wood we spotted 4 young fallow feeding.After checking these deer out to see if they had antlers as we cant shoot em with antlers this time of year we were in luck.So i let fly and flattend one. Happy days...During our walk back to the car with our quarry in tow i raised my rifle to have a quick scan of the edge of the wood and there he stood around 250 yds away with his head raised facing into sun. the weather was in the minuses last night and im guessing he w
  22. Well this morning i dropped the Mrs off to work and got home and pondered on what to do to kill a few hours. I hav`nt been out for a bunny shoot this year so that was the plan. So upstairs i go and wake up the young lad..He`d sleep for Ireland. we grabbed the gun out the safe(cz 17hmr)and a box of ammo and out we went to a friends farm to get the dinner..Rabbit stew..When we arrived the old farmer was there cutting some fire wood and told me he has been having a bit of a fox problem and if i could put manners on a few of them...I didnt give him time to finish the sentence"sure thing" i said
  23. 600 mtrs you will need something like 6-24x. I had been using a 6-24x40 4200 bushnell elite with my 223 cz varmint and now have a 5.5-22x 50 nightforce nxs on it.. I`d suggest you get ascope with a 30mm tube cause your going to need a load of elevation to get out to 600.. Rgds Dwight
  24. thanks mate.starting to make sense now. rgds Dwight
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