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Everything posted by dwighet

  1. take a look ay MY CONTROLS at the top right corner...You should be able to work it out from there.. P.S..Welcome Then click on EDIT AVATOR SETTINGS
  2. take a look ay MY CONTROLS at the top right corner...You should be able to work it out from there.. P.S..Welcome
  3. Personally i have a 17hmr and a,223 and 6.5x55. The 17hmr is a great little rifle for smalll vermin.when zeroed at 100yrds you will get head shots on bunnies to 150yrds with very little hold over..The wind moves the small round a bit though.. The 223 i use for foxes.deadly round out to 300yds.Even 400yrds if your confident enough to stretch its legs out that far and would have no hassle knocking down a wallaby.Im oridinally from Oz and we used to take roos out to 200yds with the 223...
  4. I will be away for the week end so if any body is interested in the hardy outfit i will not be able to reply until Monday night 5th may.. Rgds Dwighet
  5. Theres nothing wrong with WARNING SHOTS as long as you have the laugh.. Thats what its all about
  6. For some reason, East Coast Rod and Guns comes into my mind. I could be wrong but ring them and see Thanks John. I`ll Give them a go Rgds Dwighet
  7. I have a Hardy Swift 9foot 6inch,6 weight,3 piece fly rod And a hardy ultralite disc 5/6 weight reel for sale. The reel has its original neoprene cover and the rod has its original cloth wrap and hard cylinder case. Both items are in mint condition as they have rarely been used. 225 pound strerling plus postage for the lot..I live in The Rep.of Ireland Rgds Dwighet
  8. Does anyone know were i can get a stealth for my 6.5x55 in the Rep.Of Ireland?
  9. I second that!!!!140 gn federal powershock does the job for me on fallow,sikka size deer...Never shot a fox with it though..Got a 223 for that... Good luck
  10. Your making me home sick. im from Townsville(QLD) and been here in Ireland for the last 5 years and loving it... Welcome old mate..and go on the cowboys!!!! Rgds Dwight
  11. IT`S WELL WORTH IT...THATS WHY I BOUGHT IT..AND NOW IT`S MY PRECIOUS!!!!! MY PRECIOUS!!!!! Dont mind me. Been stuck indoors with a chest infection for the last five days.Kind of lost the plot a bit..lol
  12. Nice one mate..I love hearing successful CZ stories...Actually i have never heard a bad one.Was that the first for the new CZ?Those set triggers are something else.They can be adjusted you know. Need pics mate....... Rgds Dwight
  13. Nice looking knife mate but if you're going to sell the deer to a registered game dealer for entering into the food chain then i would suggest that a knife that is more easily cleanable would be the way to go. The handle, leather strap and groove where blade enters hande are lovely bacteria traps! Beauty knife though! ANOTHER LOAD OF CRAP .... GOING ABOUT NOW CONCERNING KNIVES .............. BACTERIA TRAPS MY FECKIN ARSE A LOAD OF BOLLOX WITH THE BUSY BODIES WANTING EVERYONE TO USE PLASTIC HANDLED KNIVES THE MAJORITY OF FELLAS HANDS ARE CARRYING MORE NASTIES !!! ...
  14. Nice looking knife mate but if you're going to sell the deer to a registered game dealer for entering into the food chain then i would suggest that a knife that is more easily cleanable would be the way to go. The handle, leather strap and groove where blade enters hande are lovely bacteria traps! Beauty knife though! Thanks for the warning mate..I`ll make sure my mother inlaw gets the first deer burger
  15. my advise.Take it or leave it....let someone with some exprience have a crack at it before you send it back.. Im not saying its you.. Im just speaking from experience.... I myself wasted alot of ammo and time trying to sort a scope out until i asked a mate who has been shooting since noah was a boy to help and explain.... got it sorted in abot 10 rnds..... s&b are good..very good.. Just my 2p worth.. Good luck Rgds Dwight
  16. SAMBAR....is that the one remmy? thxs georgie
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