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Everything posted by dwighet

  1. This is what remington recommend... For the first 20 shots, you should do the following: For the first 10 shots, run a patch saturated with Rem Oil through the bore after each of the first 10 shots, and follow up with a patch saturated with Remington Brite Bore, and finally a clean patch to remove all residue. For each of the next 10 shots, run a patch saturated with Rem Oil through the bore after every two shots, and follow up with a patch saturated with Remington Brite Bore, and finally a clean patch to remove all residue. Now follow the cleaning guidelines below: To ensure t
  2. Nice turd... Nothing like taking a dump in the sun.
  3. Nice one buddy ......You got to love it when they stop to look back...Got a sika last weekend doing the same thing.
  4. I have my 223 zeroed at 200yds using 40gn hornady vmax... It shoots an inch high at 100..Bang on at 200..5.5inches low at 300..
  5. I dont know were to get the bipod in the UK..Im in Ireland but if you have sling swivel studs similar to the one in the pic...Your good to go...the bipod will fit straight on
  6. Also a neoprene mod cover will stop the ping when stalking through woods and a branch hits your mod..Theres nothing worse than trying to be as quiet as you can the a branch hits your t8 and sends out a loud ping...
  7. I only use apel mounts on my cz`s...There a bit pricey but shit hot
  8. I have the vortex razors 8x42 life time warrenty no questions asked ...awesome bins...havnt seen the vipers but can reccomend the razors for sure.... http://www.sherwoods-photo.com/vortex_bino...noculars_fs.htm
  9. as jamie g said...you want be disappointed in it..I had the 4200 6-24x40 mildot on my 223 and loved it..crystal clear out to about 20x zoom then gets a small bit foggy out to max zoom but still very shootable..And the raingaurd feature really works..not just a gimmick..I have it on my 17hmr now as i found a 2nd hand nightforce nxs at the right price and couldnt pass it up... Nice scope..you`ve done well :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up: :thumbs-up:
  10. cheap as chips mate...I`d do the same
  11. 6 years is good going mate... hope to get that out of mine
  12. Thanks dwighet, I've emailed them for a shipping cost, so we'll see what comes back! Cheers J No probs mate...I just ordered some butler creek flip caps and a few neoprene scope covers and the shipping was 15usd to Ireland
  13. Heres one at a good price http://theopticzone.com/detail.aspx?ID=4553
  14. http://theopticzone.com/range_finders.aspx
  15. I got mine from these guys...Took about a week to get to me in Ireland...Good people to deal with http://theopticzone.com/detail.aspx?ID=2188
  16. Swing through mate...Its not easy when first starting But keep at it as it will happen for you.... Clay pigeon shooting is a good place to start...Thats what I did and still do to keep my eye in prior to pheasant season.. Good luck and dont give up on it...
  17. yes mate..got himdown south in tipperary.
  18. They are a treat to shoot with the iron sights
  19. something to keep in mind... the stock on the lux is designed for open sights..note in the pic that the stock cants down to allow for better cheek to stock fit whilst allowing you to see through the open sights.. Visit My Website Notice on the varmint that the stock is straight to allow the eye to be higher above the barrel to allow for a scope.. Visit My Website You may find if you purchase the lux and put a scope on it that you will be raising your cheek off the stock so you can see through the scope which can be a pain in the ass if shooting bench rest.. I bought mys
  20. If it could only talk.. I bet it could tell a few stories....
  21. If your allowed to use lead shot go the eley alphamax 5`s.. hey work a treat for me.. I cant help you with steel shot though...
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