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baldockbanks courser

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Everything posted by baldockbanks courser

  1. Thats your own thault! Should have stuck to the M11, thats just reckless going round the M25, You could cause a dog serious injurys if it collides with a PARKED CAR ! !
  2. Iv never been a fan of running dogs up the side of moters, Iv got plenty of land I can do it but to me you dont notice how hard a dogs working, seen dogs over worked and seazed up. I just like to pick a dogs feet up not too fast. couple of dogs messing about I prefur for faster work myself, but thats only what I think could well be wrong.
  3. If only I rembered that one at the time! That device with the spring looks good and for £15 it ant worth making your own.
  4. well after the normal bit about telling them how much money there constab wastes on helicopters for hare coursing I walked back home dog and bike in each hand! untill I get some advice from the good people on t.h.l and then if I know im in the write ill be back out. Oh well, may be a spot of jogging will do you good do me good too itcould be on the cards lee! To be honest I ant mad on road work to get lurchers fit nothing better than work but untill september ill do a bit. The bold prick who pulled me said he likes dogs better than people and he didnt want to see her run over
  5. well after the normal bit about telling them how much money there constab wastes on helicopters for hare coursing I walked back home dog and bike in each hand! untill I get some advice from the good people on t.h.l and then if I know im in the write ill be back out.
  6. Stopped last night by the police. was jogging my lurcher on the road not a relly busy road and it was not dark, at 8 ish. there is a marked cycle lane on the road the lurcher was trotting between the bike and the kerb. angry officer stops me in a car. shouts take that dog of the road, I replied in the same tone what for ? well for a start He says, recklease cycling or not having a dog under controll. I said shes on a lead (under controll) and was running with a lose lead (ie not being dragged or forced). then a women p.c says if she (lurcher) got spoked she could pull me in the
  7. why does it make him at good dog man? you could say hes kind to animals if you want but sometimes as a "Working dog man" you have to think with your head not with your hert. I.M.O a dog with an injurie like that has no chance of a 100% recovery, and to me a dog has to be 100% to warent a place in a kennel. For £1400 and the time youll spend on a dog that wont come good you could buy a well breed pup feed it for a year and spend your time training it to a good standard and at least you know it has as good a chance as any healthy dog of making a worker. Personally I would have shot (
  8. why does it make him at good dog man? you could say hes kind to animals if you want but sometimes as a "Working dog man" you have to think with your head not with your hert. I.M.O a dog with an injurie like that has no chance of a 100% recovery, and to me a dog has to be 100% to warent a place in a kennel. For £1400 and the time youll spend on a dog that wont come good you could buy a well breed pup feed it for a year and spend your time training it to a good standard and at least you know it has as good a chance as any healthy dog of making a worker. Personally I would have shot (
  9. why does it make him at good dog man? you could say hes kind to animals if you want but sometimes as a "Working dog man" you have to think with your head not with your hert. I.M.O a dog with an injurie like that has no chance of a 100% recovery, and to me a dog has to be 100% to warent a place in a kennel. For £1400 and the time youll spend on a dog that wont come good you could buy a well breed pup feed it for a year and spend your time training it to a good standard and at least you know it has as good a chance as any healthy dog of making a worker. Personally I would have shot (
  10. I wonder how many of the "pounds round here" you spend any time in. I'm not far from you and can say from experience that of lurchers in the "pounds round here" most are young dogs under a year and many are injured or have been obviously badly cared for, or worse. You also see older dogs which it is fairly obvious are descending that spiral of being sold and passed on until they hit the pounds and shelters. Some can be rehabilitated and go on to have good lives; why shouldn't they? It's no skin off your nose, since to you they are "rubbish" anyway. It comes back to there being too many bre
  11. your i nice a fella arnt ya I hate rescue centres,theres no excuse to allow any animal to have to go to one,the animals they claim to love would be in a far better way if they didn't exist imo. So very, very true..................if only dreamers/peddlars would stop breeding them en masse..........searching for 'the next big thing' instead of working properly on what they have before calling an inexperienced, poorly trained pup a jacker.......pathetic really. how exactlie do you train a dog to course a hare? you can get them fit but its ultimatlie inside a dog that makes
  12. Wonder what you'd say if, for instance, one of your top coursing dogs was lost - then found, and you were notified, and it was in a shelter. And before you'd managed to get there someone broke in and stole it. You'd be heartbroken. Or maybe you'd not give damn. I'd say that's miles worse. what are the chances of that! as soon as thed "inform me" id drive there and pick it up. 99% of lurchers in shelters have chucked a 1 line breaker or couldnt bend a hare in a desert! Lets get real this post is a total waste of time, Has anyone seen the original poster and said thats my do
  13. someone took a poxy dog thats more than likley a jacker in the first place hence it being in a pound! Its no ones pride and joy or even a pet! its feed and cleaned out by staff who probablie hardlie look at it. Move on! cant you try and help 1 of the meanie heart broken lurcher owners who have had there lurcher taken!
  14. A nice painting to hang above the fire place would be better if you ask me! can take it down when / or if youv had enogth of it! you cant do that with a tatoo quite so easy! we was always taught if if you have a big drawing on your body, you may aswell put your name on your forehead for every police man in country to see. example. . . I was going to get a spurs badge when I was 18. So glad I didnt Im not even bothered by football half as much now its only a money game no loyal players! Im so glad I never had a tatoo looking back on it. When I used to boxe I can tell you a man w
  15. a 3/4 bull 1/4 bedlington with no whippet or greyhound in it? all that will be good for is turning dog buiscuits into Sh*t! find someone to show you the ropes. make sure you like going out and working dogs before you get a pup. look at all the crosses and see what you like, its only got to please you, no one else so pick what you fancy.
  16. Its nearlie always jocks who bang on about fen dogs being no good! is it because you havent got any good feilds up there? I was up there last week and I didnt see any? or is it an inbreed fear of open spaces? For centurys every time a scots men stepped on a big feild thed be a well organised English army on the other side of it who would march on over and defeat your cowering soldiers? . . . More rent please angus belter mate i mean SIR ......... Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedooooooom....... send in the irish! archers fire! yes things have changed now. People
  17. Its nearlie always jocks who bang on about fen dogs being no good! is it because you havent got any good feilds up there? I was up there last week and I didnt see any? or is it an inbreed fear of open spaces? For centurys every time a scots men stepped on a big feild thed be a well organised English army on the other side of it who would march on over and defeat your cowering soldiers? . . . More rent please angus belter mate i mean SIR ......... Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedooooooom....... send in the irish! archers fire! yes things have changed now. People
  18. Its nearlie always jocks who bang on about fen dogs being no good! is it because you havent got any good feilds up there? I was up there last week and I didnt see any? or is it an inbreed fear of open spaces? For centurys every time a scots men stepped on a big feild thed be a well organised English army on the other side of it who would march on over and defeat your cowering soldiers? . . . More rent please angus FK SAKE BOLOCKBAGS ,DONT SPIT YOUR DUMMY TIT OUT.IM ONLY VOICEING MY OPINION ON SLOW PLODDY BORING FKN DOGS.NOT MY CUP OF TEA ,BUT EVERY ONE TO THERE OWN.I LIKE A GOOD
  19. Its nearlie always jocks who bang on about fen dogs being no good! is it because you havent got any good feilds up there? I was up there last week and I didnt see any? or is it an inbreed fear of open spaces? For centurys every time a scots men stepped on a big feild thed be a well organised English army on the other side of it who would march on over and defeat your cowering soldiers? . . . More rent please angus belter mate i mean SIR
  20. Its nearlie always jocks who bang on about fen dogs being no good! is it because you havent got any good feilds up there? I was up there last week and I didnt see any? or is it an inbreed fear of open spaces? For centurys every time a scots men stepped on a big feild thed be a well organised English army on the other side of it who would march on over and defeat your cowering soldiers? . . . More rent please angus
  21. its funny how they grow at diffrent rates. my bitch was a runt at 17.5 tts at 5.5 months. but shes never stoped growing and at 9 months next week she is 25 tts but im sure shes got more in her shes got knuckle still similar to your bitch. her head is just like the doxhope heads were. has busard got a higher concentration of old doxhope stuff than the father to cassshantia bitch trevor? by the way she looks nice, that litter seem to be making tall lurchers the pup trevor w has got is like a horse from the pictures he sent me.
  22. B everyman has there own way what suits them if you keep a coulpe of bushers as there scooting around the running dogs are up and down like a boxer ITS EASYER TO JUST TICK OVER then to only do all the hard work in a short time ive found less injurys but hope your well your correct S its what suites the individual, bushing is a good road to fitness but FOR ME iv never enjoyed it as much as lamping ferreting or coursing BUT each to there own everyone has a diffrent life sytle, work likes and dislikes etc. I keep her in doors happy by not going out in the summer, then she dont see me all w
  23. Keeps should tell you all you need to know, many off here who have seen 'em out have remarked on how good they are and the photos are there too. Timmyk had a good 'un a few years back that did very well, i seen this dog run for many years and rated it highly, especially on big stuff. Romany added Beardie to his lurcher line years back and was very happy with the results too! thanks My bitch will have to have a good working carreir to keep me happy and be worthy to breed from so im in no rush so will hopefully find the best working beardie greyhound blood about.
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