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Everything posted by slimshady

  1. ramboxsheery rambo out of duke son of laddy sheery ownd by john gasgin dont now breed of that any body now sherry was out of duke and ghost
  2. charlie was out of rambo and sherry rambo was out of duke and sal sherry was out of duke and ghost
  3. ive had several good hare dogs,ive owned dogs who wasnt up to it and ive had just as many dogs who could run all day but wouldnt take there quarry pre ban,but when i see dvds of coursing men sliping on hares just getting out of there seat it makes me cringe,on my permission 90% of the landowners would throw me off there land if they caught me doing this,i just cant see what it proves ? where i live ,i take my dogs to a specialist in greyhounds,and it is full of fools on a sunday morning who are bragging that there dogs can catch 5 or 6 when reallisicallly they would struggle too catch one s
  4. The ten yard slippers ! the club that i run in pre ban had a rule,100 yard slips.if you let your dog go before it was disqualified.that was The good days
  5. was annie a worker ? no disrespect but the forley has lost all credibility,the people that run in it wouldnt last 5 mins in the proper coursing clubs yes annie was a worker she is a pure saluki owned by shadow off here, he will tell you what she has done but i know shes been matched on the fens and in ireland and was good enough to run in the forley cup,
  6. R D. Yes,such coordination between slipping and starting the watch
  7. A good mate of mine allways timed his dogs runs [preban],no -one enjoyed coursing more than him.How long does it take to press a stop watch? i know who you are on about
  8. is the dam from working lines,is she still for sale ?
  9. whats the bitch called?? sandy i think mate iam only going off what the guys told me and he said this last sunday the pup in the pic is mine mate! Hi valley lad,was your pup born october 08 ? .as i have a pup with the same breeding. does anyone know how the mother to benji is bred ?
  10. whats the bitch called?? sandy i think mate iam only going off what the guys told me and he said this last sunday Hi valley lad,was your pup born october 08 ? .as i have a pup with the same breeding.
  11. ive bought a pup out of benji (nipperxkim) and i dont kmow of kims breeding .i know she has cruise in her but ive also heard of lady cruise ?
  12. can anyone tell me the breeding of this cruise line bitch please ?
  13. HI all,does anyone know the breeding of a saluki called kim,i know she is of cruise lines but would appreciate any info
  14. Hi ,can anybody help me ? ive got a dog whos breeding has the "whiteman" in it ,also tina turner.does anyone know how these dogs are bred ? any info would be greatly appreciated
  15. Does anyone know the breeding of january jack.i know his sire but not the dam,any info appreciated
  16. wow.the owners of those two dogs must be really proud at slipping at five to twenty yards .how they can call themselves sporting ill never know.yes that captain dog runs well but are they meant to be coursing or hunting ? theres a big difference
  17. thanks for the info ,there must be someone out there who knows more about the dam to jan jack ?
  18. does anyone know the breeding of january jack .im sure he was out of deacon but i havnt a clue about the dam.any info would be greatly appreciated.thanks
  19. some letters may end up in the farmers bin but believe me if you want it and try hard enough you will get a break.between 1993 and 1996 i sent over 1000 letters to landowners requesting permisssion to course hares.i recieved 9 decent replies of which 1 of them i got an invite to beat on a shoot.12 years later and ive got 11 thousand acres of permission and it has taken years to achieve this.if you want to do it the right way offer your services free of charge .join the local hunt .get your face about.
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