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Everything posted by kirstysdad

  1. Have you got a bit of irish in you would you like a bit no good in the pubs in North london as all the girls you ask answered yes another have you ever had your bellybutton licked they usually say yesyou reply from the inside
  2. Drove from London to Belfast crossing Liverpool to belfastwith 3terriers in the boot even let them out for a stretch on quay side and customs came over and said what lovely dogs many moons ago stayed with a mate in Belfast who had a border bitch very handy tool always single had a black dog there that we dug a lot of stuff with but he rated the bitch as better give him a border dog I had been given but could not get on with he had couple of seasons out of him before losing him at work the ones I have seen have been very tempermental easy to upset
  3. Not on a rescue but my son works with one every day doing drain inspections he has got it so he attaches a belman collar to the end and when he gets to a collapses or blockage just locates and can dig straight down on top his boss paid for full bellman setup saves some time and peoples faces when he tells them were blockage is and how deep it is just from small box lol
  4. pic of sons dog last week at show 8 years old that was his first show looks like Mick dog smooth coated very steady in his work but gets the job done
  5. My son won a show at a hunt show last week with his terrier first time he ever put the dog in a show and the dog is nearly 8 but has a few marks from work but nothing bad or fresh when he won there were a few questioning the judge about his choice he just said it was a working terrier show so he picked a working terrier had a chat with judge after he said it was nice to see some workers about
  6. how are the pups off the old dog going? Lost a dog of him last year to work he was7 and doing well my son has a dogf of same litter nearly 8 we dig a lot with him steady as they come my digging mate has dog there neary 10still going strong and busterbuster has 2 of him they must be 5now both do well his mate has litter brother and he is happy with it I had bitch of same litter came up small for what I wanted fella in the midlands has her now she turned out a good foxing bitch
  7. back probably about 25 years old dog died last year aged 17 had a dig to him at 16 still loved it but slowed right down put still got the job done between us we have got 8 or 9. Sons daugters and grandkids he came of a dog called jack. And his mother's was called molly if memory serves me correctly jacks dad was Parkes dog called toby would leave to have a look to be 100/per cent
  8. Yes. Parkes and ward mainly met the fella who bred him at the Peterborough festival of hunting couple of weeks ago he kept sister and pups of her now gifted a pup to my pal all the same breeding as we have got so fingers crossed if it does ok something to fold back in
  9. Cracking write up boson we still keep lakies very similar to that dog of yours have got black and tan pup here now bred of black and tan dog that a mate on here owns bred from or old stuff pup has come up tall and narrow will get mate to put up pic of the father good steady dog that don't mind a bite put him to a black fell bitch I got here plc of pup
  10. Noot noot not a dig at you but what type you keep any chance of a few pictures
  11. Maybe the owners of said dogs don't want them plastered all over the Internet were you at the show if so you would of seen them you mentioned about sign going into show it was there for a reason why the big interest to get photos on here for EVERYONE TO SEE
  12. Have a 3/8 5/8 bitch here at the minute has surprised a lot of peoplethis is an old dog dead now 3/4 bred did his fair share still running at 11
  13. Mincer wanted for doing the dog food must be able to handle full rabbits london or surrounding area anything about let me know cheers kd
  14. Already planning next year's will be going over 4 of us gives me a chance to visit family and have a long weekend good show by all accounts just remember it's just a bitof craic and a chance to meet like minded folk
  15. I hear you have a litter of pups for sale What have you got What you want The black ones are all pats and there white litter mates throw back to workingrussel blood back in the line and there is one Lakeland in there as well
  16. His mother. his 2litter brothers are both jet black and good strong dogs just turned a year. Last week seen brother at show winning patterdale pup lol
  17. Nice terrier treehands would call it a Russell type as it is white bodied but could of come from colored parents what about this boy what is he
  18. 3/8 5/8 collie greyhound I have at minute if she carries on as she has been will think about putting my sons first cross beddy greyhound over her no injury sand feet are spot on and good coat
  19. Had uncles that did it now my son is into the terriers still talks about going out with me when wife was having his sister in hospital he was about 4 he kept calling me to say there was a fox at a hole next to him I did not believe him until I heard commotion his side as terrier was into it had that one out then went to hospital on way home to see his mum and new sister wife still gives me stick about state we were in him in his little red wellies still out with me every week in season got his own place first thing he did was build kennels now shouts at me to get out hole stop scatching around
  20. Scumbag. Mate if he needs one for getting around my daughter has one of her old ones here not olimplc one just standard but if he needs it it here you know we're I am cheers
  21. Looking good see you at show on sunday but why would anyone keep collie crosses lol
  22. Great little show some good working dogs on show and meet some mates and my pal won the terrier box in the raffle entered terrier was a good class will go again next year
  23. One of my oldies gone now long time and bitch I have now
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