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Everything posted by kirstysdad

  1. sounds interresting working terrier judge and working terrier show will probably have a look at this one not that far will let a few mates know and see if i can get a few to come
  2. seen them all at parliment square yesterday all dressed as badgers one had a banner saying save badgers and cows go vegan would of skittle a few over but had passenger on board most there had never and will never do a days work scruffy bas***ds
  3. nice dog with that amount of black colouring looks like a jagt nice stamp
  4. good result to get him home good luck
  5. best permission slip for terrier work is on the working terrier federation web site you can down load them and also the laws on terrier work download both get farmer to fill in permission slip then what i do is attach the rules to the back and laminate keeps them clean and if you get a tug you can also show to the officer as not all of them know the law
  6. yes thanks old dog still here now 15 and dug to him a few weeks back only light work now the bitch in bottom photo was mum to the pups lost her last week picked up some poison very good steady bitch will be missed pups in picture one on left still here working well one on right died t oground this season they are now 31/2 years old also kept a black and tan dog of same litter still here also and got a pup here now 13 weeks of the bitch full of fire
  7. picture of our old boy still working only lightly now 15 but seen a lot of work got pups here of him of varios ages all working this picture was a few years ago he is a lot more grey now lol
  8. r now gone thanks for all interest have replied to all pms if I have left anybody out sorry
  9. 16 month old red lakeland fell type bitch works cover had a couple of digs would suit as a bushing mooching terrier will only go to a good home and suit young lad with a bit of time there is a good reason for getting rid based in london pm for more info no silly remarks if not interrested dont post no pictures ps 12 1/2 inches red smooth coated bred of good stuff
  10. So what in he burgers now 1/2 cow 1/4 horse 1/4 dog this cross will be up for sale on thetL within the week al of wellbred stock lol
  11. have seen 3 bullxs latley bowl a fox then bark at it and big dogs that should be able and have seen colliex throw in the towel after being good dogs its all down to what suits u the hardest lurcher i had was bullx catching and killing 40 a season [all daytime i dont lamp] but he was not half the dog i use now who is cooliex with a dash of saluki for catching foxes and i have seen some of your named fox destroyers over the years and the bullxs are the hardest but the colliex put more on the deck this is what i have found after 30 odd years
  12. That Decision isn't in Arsenal's hands now , they can only offer him there best offer and the ball is in his court , Players today hold the Ace Card and no matter What players say or what Badge there kissing this week . . . MONEY is there God as we've seen over the last 10 or so yrs , the only Loyalty in Football today is from the Fans . money and agents are the real issue remember he was a BOY with speed when he came to arsenal now he is starting to look like the player he could become and well done to arsene for sticking to a strict wages policy was at the gameand as someone said earlier to
  13. what about the one bollocked chinaman by one hung low or best chinese blowjobs by two can chew
  14. smart tat tuffty was it done by lal hardy new wave tattoos he is based in north london and he use to run a few dogs himself very good artist got a dog facing a fox one on each shoulder just have a look on his website he does loads of animals and hunting scenes or do as i did and bring in photo and he will draw it up maybe a bit far for you but would be worth the trip
  15. if you have nothing to hand to wrap it in open mouth by pushing flesh at back of mouth inwards mouth will open also have a mouthful of water ready then put pill in mouth and spit your mouthful of water into dogs mouth pill gone no fuss
  16. seperate or u will end up with one less lost a good bitch in a kennel fight a couple of years ago only out in garden while i cleaned the kennels thats all the time it took and just had to sent a young bitch up to my sons kennel this week as she has suddenly taken a dislike to my old bitch whitch see has grown up with and 3 fights in 2 weeks and real fights was just to much
  17. yep but will also need plastic sheeting bleach spade= no charges
  18. never mind all that messing about lee get down scrapyard and pick up as many wheelnuts as you can always laying all over the floor lol
  19. theres a couple of ways of looking at this is the dog a jacker and not got what it takes or is the dog a clever biddable type now here goes i insist that a dog should stay till dug but in some spots that are undiggable what do you do walk by or use a different type of dog my son just lost an old russel bitch witch you could call out but would stay until dug to if required and i wish i could find another one like her if she got a fox to a stop and it was undiggable give her 10 mins then call her out fox would usualy be out with in minutes behind her and we could move on also this bitch was no p
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