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Everything posted by moxy

  1. Feckin lycra clad, Obnoxious, Never in single file, 10 of them in yer way when your in a rush, Can see around blind corners and wave you on when you cant even see, FECKIN CYCLISTS. Im telling you, I would love to push one off down a banking full of brambles, Or even ten of them. That would make my day
  2. Theres a gun shop in richmond n yorks that sells them, That shouldnt be too far for you to travel. I cant think off of the top of my head what the shop name is but it shouldnt be too hard to find on google.
  3. Hopefully get out tommorow evening and who knows what will be about??
  4. I know its not much but the opportunity arose to pop this little fecker of at 25yards, I saw it about 200 yards away and after a nice steady sneak up along the hedge row it was within a good range. I sat for a couple of minuets waiting for it to turn sideways on but it didnt, So it was a nice shot into the back of its head. Didnt know what hit it
  5. lol Well it was in the sun.
  6. Good looking dog there mate ATB with her and good hunting
  7. Ive just got myself a pair of Han Wag's and they are bloody comfy. A mate reccomended them and he wasnt wrong. Just hope they last for the hard earned they cost.
  8. Is that 20 shots after you filled it? and what are you charging it with?
  9. Heres my bitch and she is coming along nicely
  10. I apologise if i am speaking out of turn here, I dont know you but you are an obnoxious tw*t. If you have a problem with someone sort it out in private. Please dont start ruining peoples threads.
  11. Well done!! Cracking pics, impressive for a mobile phone
  12. I drive a ford maverick, its a 94/95 model. A fine motor on the road other than needing your own fuel refinery to run it!! As to its off road capabilities buy an austin metro or a push bike. Its ok dry off roading but add some water and you may as well walk.
  13. A few lads i know have purpose made leather belts with battery pouches, They are hefty pices of kit and you know your wearing it after a few hours lol. The simplest way ive found (without stating the obvious and bunging them in ya pockets), Is a small rucksack, On whichever side you have your lead at the base of the bag cut a small hole to poke the wire out of. The lead is then to your side rather than poking out the top of the bag and over your shoulder.( you will also loose length if you bring it out of the top). I would not worry too much about damaging the batteries, they are quiet safe
  14. Delivery 6-8 weeks How they sending it by donkeys
  15. Tried your link mate and no joy, wont accept password
  16. We shoot all year round. At the moment we are trying to secure more permissions so we can limit the amount of time we spend at a particular spot and always have somewhere to shoot. We have hit some places hard over the years and therefore lowered the rabbit population ten fold, good news for the farmers but not so much for us. Sometimes spend more time walking and keeping fit than actually shooting Sometimes dont see any rabbits at all.
  17. I did recomend that he got himself a ladder trap but he wasnt too convinced, I dont mind though, if he wants to pay me to remove the nests ans shoot one or two then im a happy chappy
  18. I had a call from a customer who keeps poultry. The problem he has is that crows are helping themselves to a free meal as and when they choose. The cheecky beggars are even entering his sheds and clearing out his freshly laid goose eggs. He has had success with the larsen and shot a few but yet they still keep coming, Well why wouldnt they, food as fresh as it comes and a good supply of nesting material, easy life. Now i know the problem will never go away but if they could be discouraged a little, then its a start. The crows were nesting in some tall ash trees to the bottom of his land.
  19. Nice one matey, Looks like a weekend well spent
  20. Can you see that key between shift and tab on your keyboard? Give it a press before you start to type and you might be able to cast a haze over your idiocy. Can you see that key between shift and tab on your keyboard? Give it a press before you start to type and you might be able to cast a haze over your idiocy. It looks a straight forward reply to me mate,have you eaten a bad mole? or are you just being an arsehole? I think its a combination of mole and dodgy fish narcotics, That will do it everytime, LOL
  21. What gets me is when dog owners pick up their dogs crap in a plastic bag, Carefully tie a knot in it then throw it in the f*****g hedge, WTF is that about then.
  22. Would that be a lesser spotted woodpecker by any chance
  23. moxy

    right i'm bored

    If im at home it has to be from the back,(the wife always puts it to the front and it really winds me up!!) If im out on a job and i get cought short and have to find a brownfield site, I am not bothered just as long as i have some with me. :search:
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