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Everything posted by moxy

  1. Looking good and i hope to see the finnished piece upon the pinned board, you are certainly putting some effort into it. I think something that is vital to be added is a section on fieldcraft and stalking quarry. Hopefully by adding this section it will answer a lot of questions and help people build up and develop a much needed part and skill of airgun hunting. Therefore leading to cleaner and more accurate kills and not just taking silly and potentially inhumane shots from ridiculous distances. Good luck and all the best
  2. Some good pics there mate, nice one
  3. Im on with fettling a stock for my superten at the moment. Im using a blank from a yew tree i felled and planked about 5 yrs ago. Its a very colourful and patterned piece of wood, with plenty of good burl markings. I will post some pics ( when there is some worth posting, just roughed the shape last night ) and let you know how i get on. Never done one before so its going to be a challenge, and there is a good possibility i may balls it all up yet, lol
  4. LOL Lets hope there is a discount for dog sharing
  5. Well done little fella. Hope its the start of things to come
  6. moxy

    magic trick

    All youse that get it must be part time magicians or in the know, I dont have a feckin clue. Have tried it a good few times and i cant work out how he does it. Must be magic LoL
  7. cheers for that, will they replace any allan bolts, because one on the scope rail is just about fekd, Unless you ask them to, then no. Its mainly the workings and performance that they sort out in a service, not replacing the odd bolt because you have been a bit gash or heavy handed, LOL But im sure if you ask they would sort you one out.
  8. Depending on how busy they are the turn around should normally be within a week. If nothing major is required you will be looking at about £40-50 inc postage. BUT MAKE SURE YOU TAKE OUT POSTAGE INSURANCE!!!!!!!!!!. Strip all the unessecarry stuff off your rifle before you post, scope ,bipod,laser etc. They normally give it a good clean and check all the valves, springs and replace the seals and give it a good grease. It will also be checked for its output and recalibrated accordingly. Hope this helps. How did you get on this weekend?? did you bag a few?? Atb
  9. moxy

    bee hive

    Hi Snap shot. There are two types of foul brood disease, European and American. Neither have anything to do with geographical relation and both are found in the uk. AFB is considerably more destructive. It is a legal requirement to notify the central science laboratory (CSL) or relevant government agriculture dept, if you suspect you may have either AFB or EFB. Other pests include Verroa, Tropilaelaps and the small hive beetle which can cause some damage and is a serious new threat to apiculture. Less serious pests can include rodents and wax moths. Good husbandry and keeping your
  10. moxy

    bee hive

    As everybody says, get in a beekeeper, They will collect the swarm if it is accessable. If not then there is a chance the swarm will move on itself. If it cant be removed and does not move then you can have it destroyed, This must be an absolute last resort!!!!! The mite is called Varroa. This isnt really a cause for the demise of the honey-bee. Tropilaelaps is another mite (asian) This hasnt been found in the uk yet European Foul brood disease is the problem.
  11. The best bass fishing i have ever had by far is in morcambe. Well heysham to be accurate, right next to the nuclear power plant LOL They use the sea water to cool the reactor and there is a big outflow on a pier to oneside of the powerstation. The warm water brings some good fishing upon the return of the tide. I kid you not if you can get there try it To add, no, i havent caught any fish with 3 eyes or 2 heads LOL :sick:
  12. LMFAO Feck me that brought tears to my eyes
  13. Hit man...the money is good and the hours are short, other than that "shooting" for a living is hard work, daft hours and poor pay....but I love it!!! Who wouldn't, 02.00 in the morning, freezing cold, up to your ankles in mud and covered in the damp from the mist..must be mad! Hey! Decker, is this you. http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=nHYC4ekzg60 LMFAO Love it If it is you decker are you here on a working visa or are you an illegal??
  14. You telling us this for common sense or through past experience? LOLOLOL
  15. The advice I was hoping for was that someone may tell me of an air rifle that could kill a rabbit at 100yds plus. No you will need a fac
  16. I dont think that that was much of an insult, come on matey calm down, Just a question though? If the council have approached you to offer you a contract then i am correct in thinking that you are a pro pestie? Surely you being a professional and knowing your job, then its down to you to dictate to them what course of action you are going to undertake. I would have said with it being playing fields, that shooting with any sort of rifle would have been way down on your list. Risk assessment???
  17. Sorry pal but i dont want it back, It wasnt intentional,Pass it on. Give it to someone your not keen on. You know, a snotty hand shake or a well directed sneeze will do it everytime Get well soon
  18. That looks a tidy job there mate You want to see some of mine, you would pi*s yourself. As long as it works and you are trapping thats all that matters. Well done and keep it up
  19. thanks moxy, iv got a few spare lurcher collars on here would it be ok to put 1 of them on the goat keep it loose enough? then tie it with a chain? The thing you will find with lurcher collars is the buckle, make sure its strong!! We always used to use horse collars, ( Modifyd ). As to rope it depends on the goat some will chew it to ribbons others dont bother, but this is also due to what foodstuffs are on offer. They will eat almost anything but only the good stuff first. Best to be belt and braces especially in an allotment. I know that i wouldnt want to be explainin
  20. it will be tied on rope to a post . No No No No, Use a chain. I have had many a goat for many a year and there is no problem tethering them out and they are perfectly fine on there own. Some may disagree. If you do tether it out make sure that there isnt anything it can get up on or obviously wrap itself around. Secondly try get the hitch to the post with a swivell so it cant shorten its reign and choke itself. A halfshaft from a bus or wagon is ideal, Just bray it well down, ( so the leash cant wrap around ). As said they are perfect escape artists but im sure a little common
  21. Good going pal When are you going to let me have a do with that set up of yours?? Atb Moxy
  22. I will swap you for gutrot if you like. It even comes with bum wee.
  23. Hi mate. We know this. But can you give it to lactating bitches??
  24. I have found another that states there were no adverse effects during all stages of pregnancy through to lactation but this was in rats!! LOL Sorry im not helping but its worth a try!!
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