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Everything posted by moxy

  1. Now then buster how are you?? What kind of problem are they having with the squirrels? Are they coming into the clubhouse, scratting up the greens, damaging trees and shrubs or just nicking the golfers balls?
  2. Maybe a little early for breeding for the vast majority of the hare population in my area but dug up a nest containing four young hares last week, whilst doing a mole job. The female hare had burrowed into a mole nest (fortress) and had the young, then immaculately backfilled the hole. There wasnt much spoil left outside the burrow to indicate what was below. Other than what the chain harrows had left the week earlier. Unfortunately by the time the spade had gone in and the nest unearthed it was too late for the little ones. with the nest and young put back it was unearted later that evening
  3. Oh you mean the ban!! LOL
  4. Thats not what hes asking!! He wants some sort of band bringing from somewhere.
  5. Am i missing something here?? Which band are we talking about? what style of music?? or is it an elastic band you have lost or had stolen??? Come on give us a clue
  6. A good sharp blow to the back of the head should do the trick, failing that hold the back legs in one hand and the head firmly in the other and stretch out the neck with a good tug. To skin, use a sharp knife and puncture just below the rib cage and draw the blade down to the tail, making sure as to not go too deep and puncture the insides. Open the cavity and remove the innards. The hole you have created, you should be able to peel the stomach skin and the fur appart, creating a good sized hole between the two, squeeze your hand across the back of the rabbit through the hole till you rea
  7. moxy

    Drey Poking

    A cople of links for you, they aint cheap though. http://www.agrigame.co.uk/results.asp?type=104 http://www.forestresearch.gov.uk/fr/INFD-756E5R Hope this helps.
  8. No mate you have got it all wrong!! Its to lure the ladies in on a night out, by all accounts it works a treat too. A splash or two behind the lugs and your away, you will be fighting those women off :kiss:
  9. alright mate, im looking to build myself a pidgeon trap, and that one with the dog cage looks a good idea, but at either end were the bird goes into, what is that made out of? They are called bob wires, principally they hang loose and can freely move backwards or forwards. Movement is however restricted one way, (inwards), by the use of a stop bar across the bottom of the bob wires, allowing the bird in but obviously not back out. These bob wires are available from john b.
  10. Or try pushing out from where you insert the pellet. make sure you cock your rifle correctly next time or change to a smaller pellet. noluv6, A little impractical my good man. It would be like trying to eat soup with chopsticks!! There isnt enough clearence at the breach to get a rod down the barrel. It can really only be done from the other end of the barrel and push the pellet back towards the breach. As the gun is a pcp not a break barrel.
  11. Just use the cleaning rods to push the lodged pellet out. Then give the barrel a good clean. Job done
  12. moxy


    Me too I can tell a porkie or two
  13. I put these pics up in a post a while ago, I would say that this has to be a contendor. The poor little bugger had a tumor the size of a large apple.
  14. fook me i double booked, your gonna be sore thursday
  15. Good on ya pal. Braving the weather with sub zero temperatures, cant beat the tell tale signs in the snow for a bit of good sport. atb
  16. No worries there jack See ya wednesday up at goldenacre, Dont forget ya sheaths :kiss:
  17. Does it come with keys, or do you have to feck about with the wires within the steering column Only joking buddy, sounds a bargain to me
  18. Welcome to the site buddy, Now now jack just because your less fortunate to come from a such well to do area, there is no need to get your claws out. You bitch!!!!
  19. Welcome clive, hope you enjoy the site and look forward to some of your posts
  20. I like to have fun on a weekend too :kiss: Do you know goldenacre park? Flash your headlights three times. No permission needed :kiss:
  21. Black rabbits are not uncommon. We generally get more skewbald marked rabbits. Here is a minister from the weekends exploits!!
  22. If the name fits Wrong pic me thinks
  23. Top man, doing it for me pal PM me matey. atb
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