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Everything posted by moxy

  1. Handheld or gun mounted http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/263997-scopenvair-tankchargerlamp/ May do a combined deal
  2. I will recommend chris too (pipa). A good honest fella. Atb
  3. Feck me!! Was the fella wearing a mask like dick Turpin? Did he say "stand and deliver"! £2 a fill and that's gone up from £1.50!
  4. Andy as far as I'm aware it's British but may be wrong and it is based upon the old omega. In regards to build quality the longbow is second to none and for a rifle that is over 10 yrs old and gets regular use it still looks fantastic and the blueing is faultless. If the Turks have something to do with it they did a good job. I'm only talking about this particular rifle and not all the longbows released. As to FAC tuning it can be taken to around 15/16 without much work. To take it anywhere beyond that it needs major reworkings inside, but you can only expect to achieve 18 max. C
  5. What's up with the good old webley? My shooting buddy has a longbow which we have lovingly tuned and tinkered with and dependant on the guts we put in (albeit some custom) it's an absolute darling. It certainly ain't no turd! Just thought I would throw something in to the mix and would appreciate some constructive and anti webley debate. WH in my opinion are well if not over engineered but that is a good thing, can't fault the Germans. But other brands of quality engineered rifles are available. Just because somebody hasn't spent the time perfecting a certain service kit
  6. Logun, out of interest, what makes it shine over other trap manufactures? Like say flat pack or KG. cheers
  7. Opinel without a doubt. Reasonably holds an edge but hones up quickly to razor sharp. Cheap as chips to replace and no tears if you loose it. If your going for a fixed blade. Sheathed knife then try one of the fellas on here. Something small and simple, your not going to be tackling elephants. More importantly it doesn't matter what knife you have if you can't sharpen it correctly.
  8. moxy


    Give buster a shout!! He is the biggest mincer I have had the pleasure to know. Don't know if he could take a full rabbit though. Ann summers do some whoppers!!!
  9. Low pressure compressor fed air guns. Designed for the purpose of the fairground or shot blasting on a higher power industrial scale. Useless other than what they are made for. Forget your ideas of conquest " Rambo "
  10. Damn you bust! I have kept it secret for years now. Just wait until your gimped up you bitch!
  11. Lol we are all tight at heart and as I said I can't fault you for your efforts. Now get that fire going!!
  12. Credit to you for trying but I can see your nets going to catch and snag. It will be firewood by the end of the night. Or you could always put your shelves back up!
  13. It looks like an abscess that's blown and emptied
  14. Possibly so, however thats a little price and inconvenience to pay to reap some retribution. Thats the society we live in. What about the scum that gets away unscaved? i totally agree just think that couple down melton mobery should never have been arrested. We woak up one morning to find some scum had been in our house...wasnt bothered about the stuff they nicked but took months to get over. So a good hiding down a country lane would have been a winner then, sometimes its better to know than not?
  15. I hope you have a softball to go with it? or have you just lost it
  16. Possibly so, however thats a little price and inconvenience to pay to reap some retribution. Thats the society we live in. What about the scum that gets away unscaved?
  17. Grey area. There was some toff bird interviewed on the radio saying that the amount of householders who use what force they see nessecary to protect their property, sometimes a little excessive, who DONT get prosecuted is massive. Her opinion was that the laws didnt need to be relaxed due to this statistic. Its the media that blows everything out of proportion and puts it in the public spotlight, "they love a good shooting"! In our current anti gun state (which is only getting worse) the use of a firearm would still be deemed as excessive, BUT it would all come down to circumstance.
  18. Get in touch with watchdog, they havent done a piece on vets for a long while so im sure they may be keen, name and shame. I know it wont bring your ferret back and im sorry for your loss but it could possibly stop them from doing it to somebody else. If not for thier incompitence and actions leading to of an animal they clearly shouldnt have been doing anything to but for the shafting you over regarding the price. atb
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