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Everything posted by moxy

  1. And you would have been swiftly advised to fook off in return!! Feck me at around two hundred nicker plus, a pop it would have worked out more than the motors worth, plus fitting But i hear what you saying and sound advice it maybee
  2. The selonoid is firing otherwise there wouldnt be any turning over
  3. wont prove anything imo... had a starting problem on a frontera it would bump straight away but would have to wind and wind to get it firing up either take the starter off and get it checked or get the injectors checked I will check with the highwaymen! sorry i meant to say isuzu!! Robbing swines! tommorow, but i have a feeling that the injectors should have been tested when they were diagnosing which one had gone down, I dont know if you are farmilliar with the injector location on the isuzu but it aint common rail. so in turn they must have tested each one to find the fault?
  4. You can bet your balls i will, cos if it dont work i will be calling you all a shower of cu**s
  5. Its coming across from all the comments that its the starter? I will bump it off downhill in the morning, now with the combination of new battery and plugs it should crack up fairly easy? thus proving its the starter? Before any more cash is shelled out. Cheers for the replies.
  6. Removed primer and installed an electronic pump, its a method we have previously used on tractors, and obviously the non return valves are on the fuel intake just before main fuel injector pump and on the fuel return along with extra hose double looped and secured high up on the bulk head just incase the fuel gallery was self syphoning, i know it seems pointless putting a non return there as nothing will come back from tank up that line but the valve will slow down any syphoning action. In regards to the battery, the isuzu has 2 and both are brand fire, the secondary battery is used for th
  7. Or break and scrap the feckin thing ploughed more brass into it now than its worth!!
  8. But why once it has been started and run then left a couple of hours does it start with no issues, thats what i cant get my head round??
  9. All valves working correct and no split hoses, that was one of the first things i checked, as i said, i used a clear bowl in line fuel filter and monitored the fuel levels, it was a hunch that the diapraghm in the main fuel filter was allowing air through but by passed and ruled it out. Scramble, im leaning towards your way of thinking as it sounds plausable, other than back to the injector issue most other avenues have been explored, Whats more anoying is i bet my bollox its something or nothing. Cheers for the replys so far lads Its good to try and talk it through with somebody
  10. Well I won't be too impressed if after £450 they didn't do it!!!! But I can't see it being that. Once it's running it runs. It's getting the fecker started from cold
  11. The S/N was after the recall date and just the one injector was changed. Plenty of balls in starter. Problem only occurred when injector went down. Cheers
  12. Hope somebody whos had or worked on an isuzu trooper can help me out, my feckin brain is frying. Trooper 3L V reg Injector went down so went to isuzu to diagnose and replace, however since the injector packed in it became a right cow to start. No problems on main dealer diagnostics other than injector issue. Once you get it started it will run like a dream all day, start stop fine, pulls well all tickety boo. Leave the cow for any length of time, say 8hrs plus and you can forget it. My mates trawled the isuzu forum and had some helpfull replies but non are solving the probl
  13. Drill a 10 mm hole in the side of your tunnel close to where the open jaws of your trap are set. Tie a piece of string. Bailing twine etc etc to one of the trap jaws and post it through the hole. The string only needs enough length to just get through the tunnel. Say 10 mm poking out When the trap is set off your string indicator will be pulled through the hole. Simple and it won't impede the trap
  14. Quiet a useless helpfull fecker on the quiet arent you
  15. I feel somewhat Torn............. Not sure im keen on being anybodys bitch but i will go with the flow, however........... Would i prefer wieredly kitch or the trusty old coppertop!?
  16. You may inherit somebody elses probs with a rapid but they are easilly sorted and not at a great expense, mine was well goosed ( no disrespect to the lad i got it from) but with claims of a gunsmith doing the tuning work was beyond belief when i opened it up, more like sweeney fecking todd. Some tlc later and its as sweet as a nut. still not perfect but its getting there. Not at mega expense but it depends who your mates are I havent had much to do with the internals of a 100 so cant comment
  17. Both very good guns and have had the pleasure to use both. No comparison in the way of consistency and accuracy, Using AAF and both rifles set around 11ft/lb will hit pellet upon pellet at 55yds, under controled conditions, ie indoors from a good rest. I find the rapid a better fit and i think it looks better but the mags are shite, especially loading the feckers in the dark. Cant fault either so i suppose its whatever floats your boat
  18. Good result, we are going to hit the bankings in a week or so, cover is still far too high. Nice one
  19. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Where you pulled that from i will never know Emotional But you give them it " Daddy Bear "
  20. As i originaly said, i will donate a new double ferret box and 10 purse nets, but these may need to be split, The box is in the making and will be ready by the end of the week, however im working the weekend so cant do anything till monday. But my offer is there.
  21. Nope! Im just balding gracefully. I have sporadic areas of remaining hair, very sporadic!
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