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Everything posted by moxy

  1. As in wood to use for filling in, adding on and general repairs. Or a full blank to carve a stock?
  2. Thanks daddy bear for that great insight and detailed explanation as to your preferred choice. .20 it is then!!
  3. 23 functions!! Looks like the toothpick is missing or even worse its been used! Urrgh Lol. Have a bump on me. Atb
  4. Shame your getting rid matey. Best of luck with the sale. Moxy
  5. A pal of mine has recently had his splitter chored by some lightfingered shite. So now needs to replace it and as always on a limited budget. Say up to 900 notes. He hasn't the luxury of getting a tractor to his log pile so it has to be a petrol hydraulic or similar. We have been looking at one called a Titan pro. 10 ton 6 hp. Which fits his budget and should do the job. Has anybody used or got one of these machines and how does it rate?? Or does anyone recommend a similar splitter for around the same price. It has to be an upright. If you check out the Titan pro you w
  6. moxy

    tv man

    Can't be too carefull nowadays.
  7. Mine too Beech has a totaly diferent bark. similar bark to birch, but that aint birch.
  8. Yep they look smart but nowhere near as nice as that freelander with pink alloys and bumper, well mint
  9. Your not the only one who doesn't post in this section anymore duckwing. Sadly we have lost a good majority of the members who used to post good topics. A big shame
  10. After reading the " Do you lock your doors thread " paulus left this comment which just didnt sit right someone came in here once, they left me a tenner when they left Well it got me thinking and after a little digging around i came across this
  11. moxy

    old photos

    A lot have the roosts we do are amongst very thick cover of blackthorn, hawthorn and dense brambles so retrieving the shot birds is very hard. Especially at night. Good sport though. Well done. Atb
  12. Get yoursens a fluke thermal imager as well. Just as to make sure you really shit your pants
  13. Lol. I ain't telling you nothing. You sneaky fecker!!
  14. What? He turns into a right diva?! Or an all and out bitch!! Meeoww
  15. moxy

    old photos

    Looks like you we're busy there fella. Good bags and good shooting. Only time we end up with good numbers is by silhouetting the night roosts.
  16. Nice write up and good to see the young ones getting out and hands on. Where's the box from? Atb
  17. Lol or the little daredevil loosens it as his confidence grows!!
  18. But as wardy says. A yammy would be spot on. If you buy cheap imported crap it will end up breaking and end in tears. Plus parts are a nightmare.
  19. You should be able to restrict an auto yourself. The throttle cable should have an adjustment screw or likewise the carb may have a restrictor arm on it. Easy as pie
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