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Everything posted by moxy

  1. The council in a popular harbour town in Cornwall has just passed planning for six thousand new homes. That's at least another 12 thousand cars on a poor road network and for example say another 15 thousand people. And no jobs. That's before you take into account things such as the NHS Madness
  2. moxy


    Get in Bradford lol
  3. HM customs. I'm sure there is loads of claims going in for unfair extradition
  4. Lol no!! Why bother with the hassle. Just register in the uk as a resident then build your leprechaun castle with the winnings.
  5. There may be a job going at azeems takeaway down the road. I will give him the heads up I'd you like
  6. Naa. I'm only joking. You will have to stow away in the fuel tank of a wagon. Then seek asylum when your here. You will be handed a big fat cheque at the immigration department when arrested. Given a big fat handshake and sent on your way to be never seen again. Along with the other 2.4 million unaccounted for.
  7. Turkish airlines do first class! Lol
  8. I'm sure there is a loophole somewhere. Free clothing and furnishings. Feck, they may even give you an ikea loyalty card or 20 percent off at brighthouse!!You will be raking it in. Bring your family. The more the merrier.
  9. There goes the church roof and momas best pan
  10. Yes but your only limited to 32k as a non worker.
  11. feck off!! its yorkshite tea I woudnt wash my ass with that tetleys witch piss Lol. I hope you don't wipe it with Yorkshire tea either!!
  12. And it took a census for them to realise what the population of foreigners had exploded to!! Surely they must have had some kind of idea when they opened the floodgates. A woman on the news today from the office of statistics or wherever said she was surprised!!!!!!! At the figures. And also that new findings will be revealed later in the year. What's that then?? That only a small percentage of these immigrants actually work?? Fancy allowing a migrant population to inhabit an area where there is no work and then being "surprised" at the statistics!! Silly feckers chased me
  13. No problem. But I hope it's tetley tea and not some Asda home brand shite.
  14. so replase the ramp with tubeing ya mean? Feck the ramp right off. Mine love it. It's amazing what you find stashed inside there at times
  15. Chris. When you get that hutch. Cut a hole in the floor and feed a pipe through to join but make the pipe as long as possible. Rather than a ramp. I have some flexi tube you can have.
  16. Two ferrets should keep each other entertained quite easily. But plenty of tubes and platforms and a hammock or two that they can destroy should add a bit of fun
  17. They will be lined up and taking it in turns. Calling for reinforcements so everyone gets a go. Ooo the pain
  18. So have you applied for a stay of execution to suspend the warrant and have a court date hearing??? If not. Your off pal. Albeit kicking and screaming. Best of luck
  19. I have used them in the past. Found them spot on
  20. Fair play , thats tantric wanking that is , Ive normally shot my load before the opening credits have finished Lol
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