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Everything posted by moxy

  1. No seriously you don't want to know what I have in mind!! Absolute filth!! But I can sling you the links if you like!?
  2. I'm sure somebody can come up with another website suggestion other than eBay!! Must say though. They are good combs and I have something similar for the dogs! Albeit the handle is a little more modist!
  3. Lol. Well presented are we. You filthy beggar!! Sorry millet. Don't mean to hijack and ruin your thread. Have you thought about "alternative" websites for selling these.
  4. Didn't even cross my mind. But now you mention it...... Is the comb for pube presentation!!? Well groomed foreplay! Lol
  5. If the bird IS eating it will pretty much eat anything. But your in control of its diet
  6. Good combs but they just don't look right! Not entirely sure why? Atb
  7. If he manages to get it feeding it could do well. Had loads over the years as a kid. They make interesting pets as far as birds go. They also have some power in that beak so I wouldn't be sticking my napper any where near it. But if its keeping the old boy happy?
  8. Slow and so near to Xmas. Can you unjack for 6 months!!
  9. Lol aswell as the guy with the red hair and white suit from up the mental hospital you were in!!! Not been a very lucky chappy have we
  10. Yep. Thanks mate. Should be getting things in order very soon and I have put the "bitch" on ticket. As soon as things are sorted and I have caused some damage I will kiss and tell.
  11. Not exactly what I had in mind pal but if you sit on Santas knee and ask nicely.............???!!
  12. Should have no bother selling these at that price. They are easily worth double
  13. Haix are about the best as far as chainsaw boots go. But as with all boots. You get what you pay for.
  14. Best of luck with the sale. Are you sure you won't swap for a.……..........?! Lol
  15. Genuine reason for sale. Lol Can you hold it till giro day
  16. Any thirty twos are mine pal!!!! There is a long que of skinny feckers way in front of you. Your going to have to wait a long while or eat your way up to a 40. Lol
  17. You do some good gear soapy at good prices and I have had stuff from you in the past. But on average you only seem to cater for fat nackers. Can't you get hold of normal sizes. Cheers
  18. Bust. I don't have any pellets to send you. Sorry pal but send me your address anyway and I will post you something???
  19. I have to say my piece. Davy you have no room to mock anybody! Especially when you are capable of and looked like a first class Mexican porn star!! I am not fighting busters corner. He can more than do this himself. But an apology to the little fat ginger fecker wouldn't go amiss!
  20. Yodel are no better. Steer well clear. Thanks for the heads up
  21. Photos dont do it justice but im no photographer. It was that thick it looked like you could have walked on it. Was going to try and skim a few stones on it!
  22. Minus 4 at around 8 this morning and its barely shifted all day. Glad im working above it.
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