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Everything posted by moxy

  1. Aye Napier. Don't be tempted to use the Ann summers or durex gear from the wife's nicker draw. It's NOT the same stuff Napier for guns Ann summers for bums xxx
  2. I have had a lake with a few types at 60 yds running at 24 ft/lb but the test was a little rushed and the lighting conditions were poor so when I have the opportunity I will test again but this is what I have come across so far. Albeit a little inconclusive. Bis Mags forget it. No grouping whatsoever out of a dozen shots. Really poor. HN barracuda power. 21.14 gr copper plated. Good grouping but not as tight as I would have liked and still a couple of strays. HN rabbit magnum 2. 24.69 gr. small amount of grouping but more strays than I'm happy with. Incredible power as they went
  3. Well give us your addy and get some sold. The mrs is everyday part of life. Just pull a deaf un like most of us!! Lol
  4. moxy


    A GPS unit would be a start arch. But I'm loathed to pay over a hundred nicker for the local mapping. Nor am I willing to risk buying a unit and trying to upload snied maps to it. Thanks mate :-)
  5. moxy


    Lol what did you buy it for?? Turn it on and check the O/S spec in the menu. Depending on the scale and region I may be interested. Cheers
  6. moxy


    What scale mapping does it come with and what reigions?
  7. No problem at all. Just a little misunderstanding. Miscommunication and a bit of piss taking. And I'm not a banker! A wanker. yes. But no banker. So can't comment on the cheque
  8. Ooo no no no. Cheque clears first before any trip to the p/o
  9. My young un uses my account too. They have their own but mines logged on so that gets used to view.
  10. The guy was after the rifle lol Aye but he did complain about an extra tenner for postage. Aye,, yer right,, fuckum ! hahahahaha Lol. So your buying the lot then?
  11. I'm sure if you check out the AA owners forum or such like you will find a replacement or somebody who makes custom parts. Google it.
  12. moxy


    LoL a velor covered shell suit!! A posh scouser!!
  13. The guy was after the rifle lol Aye but he did complain about an extra tenner for postage.
  14. Said with such dominance! I'm guessing your a giver and not a taker!
  15. Not sure. Why don't you unscrew it and try it??
  16. Well said Webster and a great post Now just make sure you get them to the post office before the A team turn up and BA kicks your head in Again those pistols were far too cheap. The lad that's bought them has got a bargain. Atb
  17. Nice one. But keep it clean.
  18. your pics are sideways are you laid down Feckin iPhone shite. They look fine on here. Are you sure it's not you who's got the lappy on its side. Come on. Your not the sharpest tool!!! LOL
  19. LOL. Very. Especially when I had to call for help. There were some geers and sniggering when I finally got back to the yard.
  20. You don't need to. I said enough for everyone!! I bet I could be heard across the valley!!
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