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Everything posted by moxy

  1. Must be a southern thing then, apologies. no more from me
  2. Fair play socks Stubby you had that coming with your cu*ty reply No need at all
  3. There has just been a thread up about these mate. Logun started it. Won't be far away on the forum.
  4. Another gymic. I don't have any traps with a narrow loop to the point of a vee. I will stick with what I know. Works well for me.
  5. I have a standard spade which I cut and fettled with a grinder to the width of a Barrel trap
  6. Well here is my two peneth. The old boy OR anybody who does not have the capable means to despatch a cage trapped animal should not own a LIVE catch cage. Again its the profit mongerers selling what should be a professional product to any old joe with a spud gun. I am strictly speaking from the various laws and acts which govern the use of cages. Along with the old fella who drowned a squirrel, should he have been in charge of a cage with no suitable despatch method. Im sure there are numerous cases and the list goes on. A caged fenn or bodygrip would have been more worthy for bo
  7. Interesting to see there is not much diference othere than the wadding and the composite of the perferated tube. Good post
  8. Empty your messages fella and pm me Cheers
  9. Yep. Have a do on the dog forum. You will love it.
  10. Damn shame your not closer as you would have had a sale. I have just done a month working down that way! Your not traveling up north anytime soon?? I'm not interested in posting. Best of luck with your sale.
  11. I have these and found them to be fairly good. I said on a similar thread that i wasnt singing the praises of the neoprene but i will eat my words. today in the snow my feet were toasty Very comfy and the soles seem ok. Now as i have said before, i cant justify paying a fair whack for some feckin wellys. If you keep your eyes peeled on the link you will find that they do good sales, have a lot of new returns/seconds for a discounted price. I gave £85 for mine and got the wife some joules for £30 http://www.wellywarehouse.co.uk/hunter-balmoral-neoprene-dark-olive-p-256
  12. Now who wants to see another fat bird!!??
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