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Everything posted by nighteyes

  1. big slips are ok if your just out for a couple runs but if your out for a good while running plenty then slipping at them sort of distances the dog gonna burn alot quicker imo
  2. i like the beam as tight as i can get it , a wide beam just blinds the dog as much as the quarry imo , and always send the dog out for me , dont mind the odd night out on really moony nights not ideal but nice to see the dog have to really work for its quarry
  3. nice setup, very similar too mine with the holes in the wall , i just put a rubber flap over the holes in the winter then take back off when it warms back up abit
  4. came across someone late last night , walking about dont know what he was upto , no sheep round here though
  5. sorry for your loss,rest in peace BUNKS
  6. same here , gonna need a couple of days of good rain before a look out
  7. yep had loads belly off , up ruts longish grass etc
  8. i find the 140 a perfect rabbiting lamp for smalish fields
  9. likes been said abit of over keeness, plus the moon being right up catching sight and running on , if it was fine last season i wouldnt worry too much
  10. now starting to cut the wheat round here , but aint seen no rape cut yet
  11. cracking pair there, credit to the owner, in top condition
  12. i was gonna have a tenner on frozen tap in that race but its a none runner
  13. he will learn to keep hold soon enough,
  14. my lamp dogs will be this bitchs 2nd season this year , and this dog just turned 4
  15. http://www.firstrow1.eu/watch/188324/2/watch-mikkel-kessler-vs-carl-froch.html
  16. should be perfect for the start of the season , atb with it
  17. just carefully drill it and put a nut and bolt through works well
  18. met longtail a couple of times at shows etc , dogs always looked in fine fettle when ever ive seen them
  19. saluki/grey x collie/grey about 24 tts collie/grey 26 half tts
  20. [sold to me] will come collect mate, cheers
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