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Everything posted by nighteyes

  1. my lamping partners got one its 11 month old picking rabbits up nicely in the lamp, quite quick ,fairly inteligent aswell, cant go far wrong with this cross, and its only his second dog so not to hard to work with
  2. very nice pup all the best with her
  3. well done nice haul of rabbits there, well worth getting wet for
  4. sorry for your loss rip meg
  5. nice video well done, quite surprised how quick them salukis picked up them rabbits,defintly know there job
  6. good vid defintly differnt dogs ran well [bet not as easy as it looks] them dogs are running the beam spotting the game aswell as avoiding the motor,couple of handy dogs
  7. Summat like these mate... that dog or dogs must of knew there game
  8. ray mears aint got nothing on bear grylls
  9. sounds like youve got it spot on, just give them a couple of easy squatters to start with or a dropper while ferreting
  10. alright im 29 live in ipswich suffolk married with 3 kids 2 boys and a girl, got 1 lurcher at the momment and 2 ferrets
  11. same here very windy dark and a nice light drizze off out at 11.30 [at last some proper weather]
  12. nice one, had my boy out with me today had to carry him the last couple of fields on my shoulders, but he loved it . great to see the young ones out learning the game
  13. well i might as well throw the towel in as my 40 odd yrs in lurchers mean feck all i must of been kiddin my self when i see a good dog it must be me,i must of been drawn into internet hunting to much so why did the bitch catch last time when she went to the fens and finish the day with a 3 min run plusand it was feb and she travelled 9 hrs in a box to get there after 6 nights continuous ampin the week before, mark i aint knocking your dogs or what u know,just by your posts and what people have said when seen them run you have a couple of outstanding lamping dogs,wouldnt like nothing more tha
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