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Everything posted by nighteyes

  1. Looking well nighteyes, what height is he up to now? I'll post some pics of ours for you. 26 tts mate
  2. has not set their status

  3. also stamina there no saluki but will add that bit of wind imo
  4. 170 striker 100 watt, 140 lance 5o watt
  5. walk the ground in daylight before hand if u can with the dog, farmers leave ploughs,rollers,allsorts about
  6. 11 month old collie/grey now learnig the ropes on the lamp had about 40 odd rabbits so far
  7. im not to far from you ipswich keep my eyes open down this way mate, all the best getting him back
  8. well done, sometimes the smaller bag of harder caught rabbits give my sport excitement the them big bags good stuff
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