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Everything posted by nighteyes

  1. try these: http://www.deben.com/lights_lamping/lightforce/replacements.php
  2. nice pics like the one with them laying on the bale
  3. imo small fields get yourself a light force lance 140
  4. that was a dirty trick to pull,selling pups as 3/4grey 1/4 collie,traverling 8 hrs then finding out they were alstaion/grey/collie/whippet tell ya hes on none of the hunting forums then you see the sire of your pup with the breeding a couple of months later on here :thumbdown:
  5. combines now comming out round here roll on winter
  6. still far to warm to be runnig dogs yet even at night but each to there own
  7. nice pup all the best with it
  8. :clapper: :clapper:
  9. see on the news talking about the sas comming in think there will be only one ending :gunsmilie:
  10. just go nice and easy this time of year soon overheat a dog, still very warm even at night
  11. all good trainig for the pup, good stuff
  12. myself i could not buy a ready made dog its someone elses work, it wouldnt fell the same watching it do its job but each to there own
  13. haha, typical to someone who flys a "union jack" on his profile, the shitest flag in the world... typical but right lol
  14. feck the dogs id live in that lol, now thats what you call kennels very nice
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