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Everything posted by nighteyes

  1. sorry to hear that r.i.p FURDY
  2. good vid that, but that is flying
  3. will put there hand to most,but wont retreave like a well trained gundog will, tread water 50/100 yards out waiting for hand signals to a blind bird not many lurchers caple of that
  4. blue eye was a great little rabbiting lamp one i used to use years ago[old pic]
  5. can remember now sitting on the stairs crying to go while my old man was getting ready ,then hed say get ya fecking boots on lol my old dear used to say hes got school in the morning but i used to allways end up going that was when i was about 8/9 lamped with the old man and his dogs, he got me my own dog at about 14 now 32 and still learn somthing new everytime i go out
  6. myself pre ban i would class a allrounder a dog that can knock a fox not numbers,pull the odd dear,catch a hare no 3/3 but can catch if one gets up,caple of doing afew rabbits on a night out,and do abit of ferreting with hold rabbits in nets ect mark ,but thats my version of a allrounder to some people that wouldnt be ,everyone has different stanards and would want alot more
  7. he would be a rum tool in a street fight wouldnt even need to to hit ya the man would probarly jump on ya and start eating ya alive the mans a animal,but i think even at his age youd be going to sleep if he hit ya :boxing:
  8. all dogs are jackers mate, sorry tae burst yer bubble, ye push them hard enuff an they jack.......................simples yep any fool can jack a dog,but 7/10 its the owners more than the dog looking for the world beater,dont get me wrong jackers are born but more are made by the owners, i understand people have stanards but these top notch dogs that you can push and push are very few and far apart every dog haves its limits its knowing them
  9. imo theres nothing funny about a dog jacking,when you brought it up from a pup put all time effot in then jacks is heart breaking knowing you got to start all over again,
  10. if a dogs tried and just runs out of steam and the hare pulls away from it and slowly easers up id still feed keep,but you know youself the ones it should of killed and it starts doing it there might be a problem [starts getting into a habit that it thinks its beat]
  11. theres a big difference to pulling up and running out of steam,but likes been said if no injuries,fit,and everything seems fine with the dog gets a couple of bends in then hits the breaks you might aswell pts imo
  12. on the fen theres nowhere for the dog to hide ,it aint gonna lose the hare in cover after 30 secs or through a gate etc etc it ethier kills it or fades away ,thats what makes fen hares the best imo you get to see what a dogs got theres not alot cover etc about to spoil the run,you get to see what a hare realy has in the tank WHEN THERES NOWHERE TO HIDE
  13. 9/10 times its been entered well to early on stuff they will never catch that causes yappers,undergunned for speed so yap out of frustration imo
  14. had a heavily blooded beddy cross years ago[beddy/whip/grey never yapped mate and was mustard on the bunny lacked that top gear for hares but would have ago at fox but was just not big enough
  15. Fair enough, your opinion and I respect that....imho, 5 nights a week should not be too much for a good dog and if it cant manage that then its ordinary......all the very best dogs I have seen get the work smashed into them and seem to thrive on it. Its just an opinion and its a free one Different strokes for different folks I suppose. imo theres a big difference to 5 nights of 5-6 hours lamping a night to popping out for an hour 5 nights a week,its all to do with how hard there working imo
  16. quite common with deerhound crosses start of black then go grey/blue
  17. imo you gotta have a couple of dogs nothing worse than having a knocked up dog in the kennel mid season and cant get out,ive two but not very oftern i will lamp the two together,but the only problem is your always gonna have your favorite which will always get that bit more work
  18. looking good, some nice pics there
  19. imo its easy to say yeah get rid when its too old to work anymore but when YOU have had a good dog give ya 8/9 real good seasons its not so easy done
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