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Everything posted by nighteyes

  1. The reason there has been so many of us is coz there a good set of lads, know what there doing and enjoy the sport. Its a skill to use a lamp, call and know when to slip the dogs at the right time. Does that answer your question? yep i like the way the man on the lamp just gives a little shake of the lamp to let them know when to slip
  2. get yourself a lightforce lance 140 perfect bunny lamp
  3. i think pre saluki days alot of coursing men liked abit of deerhound blood
  4. they were just talking about a fight with klitschko lol
  5. only time ill run rape stubble is november time after a good few frosts when it becomes brittle but most of the farms round here will have it raked or ploughed in by then,but fresh rape stubble equals vet bills imo
  6. 140 50 watt will be spot on for rabbits
  7. yep combines are out round here they have started cutting the rape
  8. imo if joe public wanted a dog to go out and catch a few rabbits with now and again then any lurcher x where ever it comes from hancock where ever if brought on abit right will do the job but its the same old story everybodys standards are different and one mans meat is another mans poison,
  9. great pics, the dogs defintly see some charlies by the looks of things
  10. where i am youd want a good week of rain before this ground starts to soften up, dont know what its like where you are
  11. you could get two of the exact same cross even litter mates run completely different all down to the indivial dog, but yeah some crosses do suit differnt ground to others
  12. somthing ive never done myself but i reckon the dog would only benifit from it, retreive,spotting,looking down the beam etc
  13. fingers crossed for ya mate [f##king skanks]
  14. just a few pics of a walk out with the dogs
  15. yep some places they fly through the sheep netting mesh others they will run up and down looking for there run
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