just have them out walking them at the minute letting hunt up in the corn,barley,rape, gets them blowing well, but will start running them on the bike in about 3 weeks time, 3-4 times a week
Your very good if you can have 2 dogs of the lead and still only lamp one at a time,
Did it for about ten years.Just a matter of training the first dog.Then bringing in a pup.
just curious were they dogs or bitches just thinking that a couple of bitches would be easier to train this way as dogs can get competive ive found alot more than bitches
they look well mate ,been out a couple of times with sp bitch and shes comming on well, looking forward to seeing her go on them big fields come winter time
good game, a well disciplined england team preformance standing off and letting the french have it which worked well imo making them shoot from far out, pitty hart got beat at his near post though , 1-1 fair result
took the camera out with me today and got a couple of pics of the youngun and that,
10 month old sal/grey x collie/grey
spotted this leveret and got a pic of it
and a couple of pics of land i lamp in the winter
one of mine i got up the run is as sharp as hell but wont just bark ,growl for nothing hes quite trustworthy when he goes theres someone about people comming past early hours making noise etc he wont make a sound but if anyone enters the garden hell go off ,once had a bet with a mate to see how far he could get into the garden without the dog going nuts he didnt get far lol ,
yeah decsent day out big show went last year alot goining on plenty of stall,stands etc,etc, but the turn out of lurchers for the show and racing was poor i thought