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Everything posted by andyfoster10

  1. how much do you want for it mate
  2. im always trying to beat the bookies it only comes off every now and them and last night with the everton vs man city put £50 on everton to win got £150 back so im made up i might go and put an accumulator on at the weekend see if my lucks in im made up that fellas won a mil
  3. cheap rates great workmanship visit www.premierwindows.building.officelive.com
  4. im going to go out tomorow on my bike ride around the farms post a few letters through there doors if im lucky ill see a couple of farmers and be able to talk face to face ive got my fingers crossed any way
  5. how much do you have to pay mate
  6. i never new it would be this hard to get permission i must have phoned about 30-40 farms and fisheries and golfcourses and they all dont want to know i did get permission a while back but when i got there the farmer went a bit mad because his wife never told him after that he let me on for a day but then said i carnt come any more as hes got a contract with someone else they all seem to have a contract or there dont have any problems im getting a bit frustrated now
  7. thats about 6 grand a bit deer for me
  8. nice 1 mate im looking forward to that thanks mate
  9. thats a good idea that mate good luck
  10. god loves a tryer nice pics
  11. waterloo mate ive handed out some permission letters but no reply yet so just looking to get out and do a bit
  12. allright boys and girls anybody from liverpool fancy letting me tag along as i havent got my own permission yet no responces anyway thanks
  13. allright boys and girls anybody from liverpool fancy letting me tag along as i havent got my own permission yet no responces anyway thanks
  14. this is bad but the police taking dogs of there owners and killing them is just as bad who ever dumped them dogs should be strung up same with the police killing inocent dogs its dispicable
  15. looks boss that is your grandad a joiner spot on that mate
  17. im looking to get a new rifle in a couple of weeks just wondering dose anybody rate this gun i want to get a gun were i dont get bored of it and fancy a change i know that i will eventually but not for a good few years what makes this gun that much better than all the others thanks
  18. where did you stay how much did it cost how did you get there if you dont mind me asking
  19. i use to go with my grandad to norfolk only went a couple of time but he would look for tracks or poo or any other signs that a boar has been there water is the best bet if you carnt find any signs good luck anyway mate
  20. £5.50 your meant to state price in the ad this isnt fleebay
  21. its not finished yet hopefully another week it should be finished
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