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Everything posted by lanesra

  1. i couldnt agree more mate about mouflons plus, had mine 8month and startin to crack badly ~ always left to dry naturally so it wasnt through bein in heat , dissapointed to say the least !
  2. a lad from the Isle Of Man, Mark Cavendish won todays 5th stage of the tour de france ~ tremendous achievement.
  3. a lad from the isle of man won the 5th stage of the tour today 232km Mark Cavendish ~ brilliant achievement !
  4. alright no1, tremendous shots ~ mother nature at her best !
  5. a black dog with arough coat = STORM.
  6. The Bee Gee`s where born here and grew up on the estate i live on ! the best road race in the world is here (101yrs its been goin), we where still passin the death sentence into the 80s (THOUGH IT WAS ALWAYS QUASHED ON APPEAL, UNFORTUNATLEY IN SOME CASES} our hen harrier population is largest ion u.k. (im reriable informed) , in the 80s we had a bounty on rabbits 35pence a tail, jeremy clarkson married a girl from here and now lives here , last but not least a beautiful island to live on !
  7. well mate my mrs just looked at your dog and she thinks its mine, when i say its the spittin image thats an understatement !
  8. by feck thats hillarious!
  9. "out of town" with jack hargreaves . an old fella selling fish he would be ringin a bell shoutin "fresh herrin". as kids we were ferretin,fishin or findin away to earn money, on the estate i grew up on every other house had a ferret how times have changed, feedin my ferrets bread and milk (i hate to admit) but knew no better at as a kid ( no wonder we had so many stickers they must of been desperate for meat and vitamins) , workin on local milk round feck its all comin back now !
  10. my mate has 2 , he takes them to work everyday he can work, he fishes the irish sea for shell fish in some rough weather at times, there hardy little feckers i always had it in my head they where little lap dogs these pair certanly aint the odd time he has had them in the field with us they work well nothin fazes them, if he hunted them regular ive no doudt they would do the job they were originally bred for (no not sat on old ladies laps at £350 a go).
  11. there is an article in todays mail, should leave them alone thats if its right, wouldnt fancy goin in tryin to make contact with them !
  12. lanesra

    spring watch

    kate humble certanly puts the watch in springwatch ! simon king is watchable his knowledge of wildlife is 2nd to none , the wild cat footage is exellent , as for the other little fecker his surname sums him up !
  13. was told that for every £1 spent on fuel the goverment take 75p ...and the percentage on cigarretes and drink is the same... think about the money they have lost since the smokin ban came in....doesnt take einstien to work out why fuel has rocketed....the old sayin if they cant get it cant get it 1 way they will get it another !
  14. The Goverment are a disgrace , can you blame them for comin here when they hear whats on offer ???? To put it in laymans terms there's 3 pubs 1 charges £3 a pint the 2nd is £2 a pint the third its free; which will be the overcrowded !!!!!
  15. lanesra


    well done !!! it will be a tough season ahead but you's would not want to be anywhere else, good luck !
  16. Got a link for that Sirocco? Sad to hear about Robert Dunlop. Hope there are no more accidents this year. OK try this http://www.iomtt/TT-Live.aspx , or if not just type in Manx Radio then go to the tt section, different options 4 coverage Sirocco thanks Sirocco- not heard of charging for internet radio before- those manxmen really know how to get their six fingered hands on every single TT penny don' t they? Good idea though, might well pay up myself. charging people is a disgrace..... where
  17. havent got a link mate but it will definetly be live on the net id say.
  18. the best road racin in the world starts here saturday. anyone comin ?
  19. get them twice if im lucky only once a year, always in my left eye do the dark room no noise routine,. had eyes tested they where fine, stopped goin to doctors they werent interested just said take pain killers...too busy sortin methadone for poor junkies !
  20. wouldnt know what to offer you mate, wouldnt want to make an unreasonable offer, fancy the book read it yrs ago, so if you want to tell me what youd like we can take it from there cheers.
  21. great footage, nature at its best..
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