hi guys im new to snaring bunnys i got my self some snares and i know were to set them i just dont know how to set them right can any one give me any tips.
this is the snares i have got
rifle, binos, stix, dog, phone, knife,deer sling or roe sack,range finder and anything that floats ya boat mate, travel light makes life easy.
chears for that remmy
hi guys can any one tell me if i could take the ft lb down a bit on my logun solo for when im rating in the barn if so how
pm me if you do not want to put it on the forum
chears russ91
the magniforcation on the NVRS is 2.5x and on the monoculer the mag is 8x
the range
NVRS= about 200yds
monoculer = about 400yds
but with the IR laser i can get eye shine at about 500yds
hi guys im new to this NV jobby i have a cheap s2.5x50 NVRS on my air rifle what i use for the rabbits.
what dose it mean if you have some visabul dark spots on the image??? i hav notised i have 2 small dark spots on the top of the image.