is there any one around west yorks
a farmer i shoot for has asked me if i can get him any mole to feed his pet birds of pray i dont do any mole trapping and dont realy hav many on the land so any one got any going? keeps me in the good books with the farmer
right guys im after some realy warm wellys, i suffer from Reynard's disease witch means i hav to take warfarin so i often suffer from cold hands and feet so im after some realy warm wellys, what can you suggest
hi guys im going to be busey makeing a ferret run and hut soon to acomdate my new ferrets (2 of) can any one give me any dimentions and ideas pleas, also if any one has any pictures of theres pleas post them up.
hi guys im wanting t start up with ferreting, can any one tell me how much i will be loking at to start up with the gear. as a joiner i can make hutch and carry box and get the timber from work.
hi guys I'm wanting to get into ferreting but hav no experience at all and no kit yet so was wondering if there was anyone around Leeds that would be kind enough to take me out and show me the ropes before i spend the money of ferreting gear.