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Everything posted by dooson14t

  1. hi there fireman as i was telling wild rover i do ferreting with him and just started him on the lamp wich hes pick up really quick you will be very inpressed with your pup
  2. great looking pups you have there . i have a first x cattledogxgreyhound top dogs best of luck Hello mate, be nice to see photos of your acd x, who bred it, how old etc, and how does it work. hi wild rover a mate breed my dog he 17 month old hes a good ferreting dog just started him on the lamp
  3. great looking pups you have there . i have a first x cattledogxgreyhound top dogs best of luck
  4. hi mate my patterdale was the same i had him castrated he just the same dog only thing he puts the pounds on easy other than that sound
  5. is there a problem with puttin pictures up tonite
  6. no mate australian cattle x hound
  7. first cross cattledog x greyhound
  8. no mate first cross cattle dog x greyhound
  9. pups what do you do you all think
  10. pups coming on nice what do you all think
  11. pellets bisley supperfield mate
  12. hi there i have a 5/8 bull grey best dog i have had im sure the 3/4 will just be as good im is 10 and still get rabbits with it
  13. the lamp you want is a liteforce lance or striker bub stringer the lamp you want is a liteforce striker or lance regards dooson14t
  14. the lamp you want is a liteforce lance or striker bub
  15. hi all 12 volt 18 amp power bat were can i get one cheap
  16. hi al . i have a cattledog greyhound it is 5 month and im over the moon with it looking like hes going to be a good one does someone have a view on them dooson14t
  17. what do you think of the ferret finder two is there bad reports on them
  18. hi all does anybody know if there is ay spanielxterrier litters due or pups reay to go,cheers dooson14t
  19. wanted spaniel x patterdale pups

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