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smelly dog

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Everything posted by smelly dog

  1. No problem in not agreeing with me mate. Scatterbred dogs like mine have all been bred by someone and its up to the new owners to ask who bred it, out of what and do a bit of research to make sure what is said is true. Its up to the owners to check the dogs out. The dealers will tell you what you want to hear. Lets keep the stolen dogs up at the top, so if you put one on here lift stolen dogs aswell.
  2. How many of you on here have got dogs that you do not know the history of ? How many dogs and pups change hands on here without a question of who bred them, out of what and from who? How many of you are using stud dogs that have got no history to them? How many of you ask the owners of the granparents stated in the dogs history, if they realy did breed these ? Plenty on here and in books have stated they have had dogs from gypsies, dealers that have no idea of were they come from, then other lads on here are using the dogs to stud, or having pups from these. Easy to blame the s
  3. If I remember correctly you said if it was your lad instead of me undo'ing them at the buckle, a clip around the ear would have been issued . I had some made up the following week mate, thats about 7 year ago.
  4. I'v used this type of collar for a few years. You have got to watch that you do not drop the collar when you take dog off, but the advantage of putting them back quick and easy when your hands are cold and muddy. SS you made a good job of them, I will be ordering a few.
  5. DIVIDE A ARMY TO WIN......... Mistakes have been made and learned from, not to be repeated. NOW lets work together and sort the problem of stolen dogs! A UNITED ARMY WILL WIN.
  6. They must have a big order book, for the amount of dogs that have been stolen on both sides of the water. These terriers must be going to digging lads that will buy a good dog no questions asked. SCUM are getting these terriers into their kennels. The lads stealing will only take what they know they can sell. Someone on these sites will know where and who are getting these dogs. Some of the lads have had their dogs back, but never say who had them. SCUM< SCUM< SCUM All you lads that are breeding out of dogs that you dont know the history of, just think for a second, Were did they co
  7. 7 bitches and a dog to breed off, thats a nice little buisness you got there. At least you tell the truth about what the dogs are there for.
  8. The tec side, I used a samsung digimax 401 4mega pixels from about 20cm away from it
  9. About time all these sites made every member look through missing dogs, before they could sign on to any topics. Some one, some were knows who is stealing these dogs and who's kennels they are stored in. The people who get dogs in to their kennels or breed from dogs that have no history to them just think why they have got no history. For me the people getting these dogs into their kennels are worse than the scum that take them. Ask the history of dogs and make sure its true by asking question,s of owners in the history of the dog. Even if it was just a page with a photo of each mi
  10. About time all these sites made every member look through missing dogs, before they could sign on to any topics. Some one, some were knows who is stealing these dogs and who's kennels they are stored in. The people who get dogs in to their kennels or breed from dogs that have no history to them just think why they have got no history. For me the people getting these dogs into their kennels are worse than the scum that take them. Ask the history of dogs and make sure its true by asking question,s of owners in the history of the dog.
  11. The amount of folks on these sites, and nobody see's or hear's of stolen dogs. They got to be in a kennel near someone. Hope he gets them back.
  12. Would this litter be the same pups? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...ic=56753&hl= What happened to the young stud dog
  13. looks like everyone wants chocolate ones http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9WuDJpofA4
  14. pups will be quality, streets above the normal pick and mix. you could come out of this smelling of roses
  15. Keeping your pick of the pups, pays for the rest of the litter which good working dog men give FOC to other good working dog men. Unless its to make money like a good dog dealer.
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