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Everything posted by shuntridge

  1. Hi there, I live in Armthorpe, Doncaster and have two ferrets, jill and hob. Plus two well trained and ferret friendly terriers. All are excellent rabbiters and love to work. I have 30+ purse nets and and MK3 locator / two collars. Also spades etc. Would love to come along if anyone needs any help out and about, either with everything or just the ferrets / nets. Let me know if you need any help. Simon.
  2. I am over in Armthorpe Doncaster and will be happy to help. I have a jill and hob plus a couple of well trained border / lakeland terriers that are great at marking holes and are fully ferret friendly. Let me know and i can pop down with both or just the ferrets plus nets etc. Cheers Simon
  3. Hi there, Just a quick hello, i am very keen with my ferrets and my terriers at all aspects of work. Primarily use them all for rabbiting as i live near some good land. Terriers are Border / Lakeland cross, one bitch and one dog. Ferrets are one albino hob and one polecat jill. Cheers Simon. From Doncaster, South Yorkshire
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