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Everything posted by king

  1. I will look him up mate
  2. That's a good watch mate.. I've just been watching a few of this lads videos..the dog knows his job luring the coyotes in fair play..
  3. king


    You stopped eating red meat aswell mate..
  4. king


    Right enough mate..it does make you think though don't it.
  5. king


    Mad situation mate..maybe shock over took his head..shock is a crazy thing..
  6. king


    It is sad mate..I read up a while ago the left artery heart attack is known as the widow maker..that's the 1 when you drop dead.. that's what maybe happened to your mate..early 30's is no age to go..
  7. king


    Had a message last evening a mate who i grew up with same age as me dropped dead in the gym yesterday morning suspected heart attack..they tried but couldn't revive him..
  8. king


    I've never heard of him mate..I will do some research
  9. king


    That's very impressive paulus fair play mate..what sort of diet are you sticking to as a total different diet is weird and I'm only a week in..
  10. king


    Did smoke given up now though.
  11. king


    About 11am in the dozer just after breakfast felt a bit of pressure on my chest and thought it was indigestion so took about 8 rennie tablets..felt a bit sick so stood on the tracks for a while and being sick with brown bile.. Must of been about 90 mins before I felt better.. so started back pushing loads out finished the shift and home.. Told the wife had bad indigestion earlier etc.. Woke up Friday morning had a shower starting getting dressed and had big chest pain hot and red flushes on my chest amd sweating felt rough as hell..so took more rennie this was about 5am went all
  12. king


    Sounds like you was very lucky mate with it being fully blocked..scary times..
  13. king


    That's it some x ray looking screen over the chest and he was watching on a large tv screen. There was a professor in a little corner room telling him things to do. I do remember him going on about the balloon etc..was you rushed straight into theatre mate..
  14. king


    I was lying there spaced out on .morphine mate..i don't remember them showing me anything..
  15. king


    It ain't a good feeling when the nurse starts talking about heart disease etc mate..spins the head a fair bit..
  16. king


    I had blood work done by my doctor before I started trt mate my levels were low hence me starting trt..
  17. king


    Yes francie been on 6 tablets a day since last August mate..
  18. king


    I've been diagnosed with Cardiovascular disease. Heart disease..ive done a bit of research and the Mediterranean diet seems the way to go and reducing fat as much as possible.. Has anyone got first hand experience of the above and how did you find adjusting to a more healthy diet etc... Cheers Dean....
  19. Do you believe the tweets that you post on here scotty
  20. I think it's great news... So now it's either reform or labour..
  21. king


    There you go building up a pad for a Pilling rig..enjoy.. Only 1.122mtrs to finish level.. And you can clearly see the finished model..
  22. king


    Fair play mate..sounds like a cracking trip..that bottom pic the mountains look like a film set..
  23. They fly off the line don't they mate and fling some muck up..that lad goes well on it fair play..i didn't think they went that well..little rockets lol..
  24. It's a 2 stroke mate is it..I bet the young lad will be made up with that bike.. I bought my lad a qr50 yrs ago..what a cracking little bike..it would run all day everyday and wouldn't miss a beat..excellent build quality from Honda.. Yea get a vid on mate be nice to see the lad go on it and hear the little beast..
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